2. Disbelief

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(Name) has read of stories where people who have died and then came back recounted what they had experienced. While all of the stories had varied from here and there, there was always something that they all had in common.

They saw something that was beyond the darkness- or rather, the lack of it.

They only saw nothingness.

When (Name) read those stories, he had a hard time grasping the idea of nothingness. He knew what darkness was, but nothing was a hard concept for the genius kid to wrap his head around, surprisingly enough.

But now, he was certain that the void was staring at him right in the eyes, and vice versa.

It was strange, really.

He couldn't remember for the life of him what he was feeling before this, but he knew it was intense. But now, where he is, he felt nothing.

He couldn't see anything.

He couldn't hear anything, say anything, feel anything...

He wasn't even sure if he could think.


What was that?

If (Name) had a head, he was certain that it would've spun a full 180 degree.

Was he hallucinating?

It was quiet, but if he strained for a bit, he could make out some words.

"... Thor..."


(Name) knew he recognized that from somewhere; it was a name, but he couldn't place his finger on it.

Was it the name of a past friend? Lover? Enemy?

He wasn't sure.

"... No, Steve..."

Steve? Was that a name? It rang a bell, definitely, but from where?

There was a strange sound now. Is that someone laughing?

His hands were tingling now.

Wait, what?

Your eyes snapped open as you gasped for air

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Your eyes snapped open as you gasped for air.

The once restricted lungs that held you hostage now open as you sucked in as much air as possible.

Your hands reach up to your chest and throat as you cough and near spasm.

Everything had suddenly rushed back to you: you could feel the soft clothes that clung so tightly to your body instead of your iron suit; the once ash-filled air was now replaced with a familiar fresh smell; and instead of the echoes of scuttering feet and broken water pipes, it was just... Silence.

Other than your ragged breathing, that was it.

Just sweet, unnerving silence.

Your eyes tried to focus on your surroundings. It was bright, brighter than you remembered. Where were you? There were no signs of a ruined building, just... A room?

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