7. Summer

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"Summer's supposed to be a time for relaxation, (Name), not a time for working all day and night in your lab."

You swiveled around in your chair and pointed a screwdriver at Pepper, who stood at your door with a cheeky smile. You waved it at her dramatically and tilted your head.

"Correction: summer's a time for me to do whatever I please, ma."

You set down the screwdriver and stretched lazily. She walks up behind you and sets down a bowl of fruits, freshly cut. Your eyes lit up as you snatched up one of the slices and nibbled on it. She ruffled your hair playfully and you reluctantly let her mess with your updo.


She winked at you as you went to grab for another slice. She whistles as she spun a full 360 just to look around your newly built and furnished lab. It was large but felt homey, with all of the nicknack plastered everywhere and a few couches and beanbag chairs in random corners.

"I will say, I love what you did with the place. See you took my advice with the walls and flooring."

You hummed quietly as you grabbed a few more fruits from the bowl.

She helped you with the floor planning and made a few suggestions- some of which you took, others you didn't. You were originally going to go with concrete floors and walls, but you thought about how it'd look, and well...

"Momma knows best, I guess. Didn't really have any other choice- it was either that," you motioned to the, admittedly, nice looking wallpaper and tiles, "or nothing, and I'd like for my man-cave to not actually look like a cave. Or, at least, better than dad's."

His wasn't ugly looking, not by a landslide. But you did want to have bragging rights over whose lab looked the best, and if you were being honest? Yours is definitely in the lead.

"I just have to hang up a few more things- maybe have some LED lights on that corner over there, and I'll be done with decorating the place."

"No, you're not. If you want it to look better than Tony's, then you're gonna have to do a bit more decorating than that. Hey- say what, let's go shopping soon- mother-son day. I'll take you out to buy some more decorations, and maybe we'll go eating afterward."

"Oh? And what about dad? You know how he gets when we don't invite him to stuff."

You remembered the one time you took Morgan out to the park- nothing special, she was just feeling antsy and wanted to fly a kite and pet dogs- and he kept making offhanded sarcastic comments once he found out.

'Yeah, watching that movie sounds fun, almost as fun as that time our children went to the park without us.'

'I can guarantee you it'll be a great experience with all of us together- and not just half of the family because excluding them would be rude, right (Name)?'

He wouldn't let it go for weeks, much to both your amusement and annoyance.

You grabbed a few more fruits before there were suddenly none left. Ah, shoot.

"Yeah, well, he can live without us for a few hours."

She grabbed the empty bowl with an impressed smile. Your cheeks turn an embarrassing pink, but you ignored it.

"If you say so."

You shrugged, doubting that he'll be fine if you two leave without him. It's not like he's gonna hurt himself while you're gone, he'll just be mildly grumpy and sassier than normal once you come back.

She leans over to give you a quick hug before heading out of your lab. She turns around and calls out to you one last time.

"Anyways, I'll leave you to it I guess. Don't forget- family night. 7 o'clock sharp."

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