Chapter 1

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The Life We Never Chose

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to direct your attention to the television monitors. We will be showing our safety demonstration and would like the next few minutes of your complete attention."

" there anything I can do for you, ma'am?" Looking up at the kind women, Cordelia blinks.

"Umm, do you know how long this flight will be? Just wanted to know."

"It should only take three hours."

Cordelia smiles. "Oh, okay, thanks." The woman looks over at me. I shake my head to the side, perfectly fine; she smiled and walked away helping some other bystander while Cordy and I sat there, nervous. "This plane looks ratchet," Cordy muffles against my shoulder. I'd thought so too when we got on the plane. "Bruh, can't see, damn. Bout to cut this shit off."

I grin, "why? Thought you were growing it out." Cordy shrugs, looking at the small tv in front of us.

"I won't cut it. But I want to, really, really do it, just because."

"Cordy, sometimes you say the stupidest shit. I swear." Dakota fiddles on his broken phone, the one he just got yesterday.

"Wanting to randomly cut my hair isn't stupid." Dakota rolls his eyes. "Sometimes, Kota, understanding you is hard. You always have something to say. I could do it too, you know."

Dakota shrugs, "there's nothing to say. I'm fucking ugly so it doesn't matter."

"Dakota, you're not ugly."

In my opinion Dakota and Cordelia changed a lot, including me. Cordelia's hair reached her shoulder, her skin cleared up to perfection and her brown eyes holding little specks of gold; her lips aren't chapped, her jawline is more define, and her body is less thin. She's a curvy woman now.

Now, Dakota, decided to keep his curly hair brown, but when we get on the yacht, he wants to dye it back to its original color. He's still the same other than the fact his hair's gotten longer and his bodies gotten thinner.

Me on the other hand....I've changed.

Thanks to Cordelia my skin is flawless; It glows. I'd taken down my dreads because of school policy's, and let's just say, my hair down is way better than it was up. It went down to the middle part of my back, big and fluffy, with little curls here and there. My lashes grew a little longer too, to my irritation, so naturally the first thing that comes to mind was cutting them off. But I refrained from doing so....

My skin had gotten lighter from the winter breeze, but I'm hoping—praying—that me, being on this trip, would give me that dripping, caramel skin that I love so much. "....Jaryea's on the on the plane with Cade right now. She's annoyed," Dakota scoffs, "I would be too," after Cordy informs us how Jaryea currently feels.

"Can we not do this on the trip Dakota. No. Fighting. With. Cade. Don't pick a fight with him, don't start the fight, don't even instigate in a fight if it involves him. Nothing."

"Cordy has a point. Don't pick fights with him. It isn't worth it. Don't even pay attention to him; relax."

"I would, if Cade wasn't there." He remarks.

The fact he still dislike Cade seemed childish, however, I can see why he resents him so much. Cade said some fucked up shit, and Kota, who barely even remembered, did some fucked up shit; therefore, getting pass whatever inflamed between them is hard.

Cordy hums, "Dakota always starts the arguments with Cade, so Cade really just needs to steer clear from you; you need to work on your impulsive issues." Crossing her legs she opens the first magazine she sees laying around, paying the article more attention than Kota himself.

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