Chapter 7

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6 months later~

"Food is getting short and shorter by the minute....we need to go on a run," Cade exclaims, his eyes on the storage room where we only had one crate of can food left. In frustration he closes the thing and runs his hand through his hair, the look on his face saying he's obviously panicking. We're also in the middle of the ocean, and what are we suppose to do, just park to get some food....we could but we don't know where to go. "We'll have to stop by land...somewhere." We all look over at Cade, our eyes shifting from the can food to Cade.

"The closes state is Oregon. We can stop by there to get food, maybe some gas if there are any; seems we're running out of that too. Water is good. It can last us up to a year." We're lucky to be able to have this boat, while everyone else in the world is probably fighting to survive. I gave Cordelia a small smile, her eyes worriedly staring over the supply we have. "How long will it take us, to get to Oregon?" She adds quickly.

Cade shrugs. "4 hours, give or take. It depends how fast we want the boat to go. If we go too fast we might run outta fuel. Dakota, can you stop fucking munching down on your food. You're being too fucking loud." Dakota stops what he's doing and looks up at Cade, his eyes narrowed.

"Bitch, it because Ashley didn't want to fucking kiss your nasty ass doesn't mean you can come for me. And, you can't even come at me when your hair line is half way at the crown of your head. Stupid ass bitch."

Cade gives Dakota a warning look. "Dude, keep fucking talking and I'll beat your ass."

Dakota chuckles. "Jokes on you, Mason already did that." And like that he walks off while we all stare at him in shock, even Cade.

Cordelia nods, "then we don't use all the fuel. We slowly get our way there," and so being said she walks away, Jaryea coming up to grab Cades attention.

"What if there is no food? What if everyone's already taken all the supplies there? We should go somewhere that's less populated....that'll equal more food...we don't even have weapons for fuck sakes."

Connor frowns. "Cordelia gots a bat. She'll protect us." The little boy smiles after that, bright brown eyes huge with love. "She'll fight them off. She said, 'she'll fight all the cooties away.' And! AND! She's the strongest woman in the world! She said she's stronger than the hulk himself." That made me smile.

I ruffle his hair. "Yep, she sure is." I turn away from him and watch Lejaneay walk in, her eyes on what's left of the door.

Lejaneay hold onto her stomach with a worry smile on her face, her eyes on the little boy who eyed her. "Why do you hold your stomach like that? Are you in pain?" At that Lejaneay shrugs, bending down to meet the boys eyes.

"Yes, But that's only because I'm having a baby."

Connor scrunches his nose. "Why would the baby hurt you? That's bullying," he pointed out to which she laughed, her eyes now on her stomach.

"The baby isn't doing it on purpose. It just needs a little bit more room to's probably hungry," Lejaneay sighs, rubbing her stomach again while Connor reaches out to touch it. When he does he jumps back in his seat, his eyes wide with surprise. Lejaneay chuckles at his reaction to the little baby moving. I smiled.

"Why did I fee your stomach poke my hand....wait!? Was that the baby!!!" The little boys eyes widen with amazement, probably the most interesting thing in the world to him. Right now in this moment he's curious. "How did you get a baby in your stomach?—"

"Oh, I got to go eat, the baby's hungry," Lejaneay suddenly said. Grabbing her a can of food she stalks off towards her room, Mason walking in with a very upset Dakota.

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