Day 4: Scar Worship

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Day four brethren, made this in one night believe it or not, I did good.


John and Sherlock were in bed, John laying on his side with an arm holding up his head, and Sherlock sitting with one leg outstretched and the other folded into his body. They where both mostly naked, besides a simple pair of boxers.

John was tracing circles on Sherlocks knee when he saw something below it, he ran a finger over it.

"Where'd you get this?" he asked and Sherlock looked down to where he was touching.

"Oh, it's a scar I got from when I was younger, I tripped in a parking lot and fell onto a piece of glass from a broken beer bottle, I had to get stitches," John runs his fingers over it again.

"Do you have a lot of scars?" he asks and Sherlock huffs out a laugh.

"Probably more than necessary," John smiles and looks into his eyes.

"I think scars are cool, each one tells a different story," Sherlock smiles and cups John's cheek, John leans into the touch.

"You're the cutest," John laughs and pulls his head away from Sherlock again.

"I have one in a kind of similar spot," John says and he sits up, shifting his body so he's sitting opposite to Sherlock, he puts out a leg and searches for the scar before finding it and pointing to a spot on his shin, "I got it from getting on my bed," Sherlock bursts into laughter and John looks at him before laughing himself.

"How did," Sherlock takes a deep breath, "whew, heh, how did you get a scar from getting on your bed?" he smiles brightly and John shrugs.

"I was going to plop on in but I didn't pull my leg up fast enough so it scraped against the metal," John laughs and Sherlock shakes his head.

"Oh my God, that's the best," Sherlock examines his own legs, searching for scars to show John, he sees a few at his ankle and point them out.

"This ones from when I was in high school, I was walking behind someone who was sitting in one of those chairs with wheels and they backed up quickly and rolled over my ankle, I have no idea how it happened," John laughs and waits for Sherlock to continue, "This one on my Achilles tendon is from a door shutting on me, needless to say, it hurt," John grinned and looked at his own ankles.

"I'm pretty sure my ankles are scar free, however I do have one on my foot from where I was taking out the garbage when I was eight or something, and my Mom forgot to tell me that there was a glass jar in there that broke, so it ripped open the bag and I ended up stepping on a big shard of glass, had to get a lot of stitches," Sherlock nods.

"Interesting," he laughs, "why wouldn't your Mom tell you there's broken glass?" John chuckles, and shrugs his shoulders while shaking his head.

"I've no idea, but I do also have this really cool one that I got when I was getting in a box," Sherlock furrows his brows and begins speaking but John continues, "I was young, and my parents had gotten this new water heater, right? The box was taller than me, and so of course, what do you expect me to do other than climb in it? Harry was no help, just laughed when I fell in and then wouldn't help me out," Sherlock laughs all the while Johns speaking.

"You had a very interesting childhood John, how old were you anyway? Eight, nine?" John smiles.

"15," Sherlock buckles forward and clutches his stomach, giggling like a child.

"Oh my God," John smacks his arm.

"You can't honestly tell me you don't have scars from weird stories like that," Sherlock looks at him and scrunches his face.

"No actually, I think the weirdest I have is on my ankle from shaving," Johns mouth drops.

"Oh my God! You gave me crap about climbing in a box but you're the one who shaved your legs!" John guffaws and Sherlock throws his head back.

"Mycroft told me everyone does it! I was young, he tricked me!" John started giggling and leans against Sherlock, "Actually, come to think of it a lot of my scars are from mycroft, I have this one on my arm from when he pushed me into a kerosene heater," Sherlock lifts his arm and shows under his forearm where a long and profound scar lies.

"That's terrible," John grabs his arm and looks at it closer.

"Eh, we had an adventurous time, I guess not as adventurous as yours though," John looks at him and drops his arm, smiling.

"Oh my gosh, do you want to see an even better one?" John asks and Sherlocks smiles before nodding, John reaches at his hip and pulls his boxers down slightly, exposing his hip and a small scar that lies beneath it.

Sherlock looks at it then into Johns eyes, "And this is from?" John grinned.

"Get this, pulling down my pants," Sherlock pauses before letting out a bark of a laugh, he throws his head back and puts his hand on Johns thigh. He looks back down, still giggling.

"Mind elaborating?" John smiles.

"Well, I was going to pull down my pants but my nail ended up scratching my hip, like I don't even know how it left a scar or how it happened because my nails aren't long," Sherlock silent laughs while watching John.

"Oh my God, how do your stories get better?" John laughs, he grabs Sherlocks hand and points to a scar along the back on his thumb.

"Where'd this come from?" Sherlock looks at it.

"Marshmallow poker I believe," John purses his lips to contain the joy, "We were roasting marshmallows and I touched the hot poker" John moves his fingers up, tracing Sherlocks viens, he reaches midways and stops, "Track marks," John looks at Sherlock's eyes through his lashes, "What! It happened okay?"

John continued trailing his fingers up Sherlocks body, watching the flesh break out in goosebumps, he stopped at the collar bone and smirked, pointing, and Sherlock rolled his eyes.

"You know exactly how I got that one," Sherlock guffaws and John laughs.

John moves closer to Sherlock and puts his legs over the other mans, he gives Sherlock a hug and Sherlock wraps his arms around him. John runs his fingers over the scarred skin on Sherlock's back, feeling every distinct bump, feeling all of Sherlock's horrible memories held in these scars.

He runs his hands up and down Sherlock's back, resting his head on Sherlocks shoulder.

"I love you," he mumbles and Sherlocks grip gets tighter.

"I love you too, John," he feels a soft pressure on his neck where Sherlock kissed him.

"Thanks for showing me some of your scars," Sherlock laughs.

"Ditto," John grins in his neck.

"Okay Patrick Swayze," he furrows his brows.


"Never mind," John laughs and Sherlock joins, at least John had enough decency to watch Ghost at least once in his lifetime.

"But anyway, thanks, I got to learn a lot about how you acted when you were younger," John pulls away and looks at Sherlock's face.

"I was kind of stupid," Sherlock chuckles, "to say the least," John smiles and leans forward, kissing Sherlock.

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