Day 14: Watching The Other Sleep

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When I saw this prompt I thought it was going to turn out kind of creepy and I wasn't exactly sure how to write that but I think I made it pretty oKaY.

But it is frickity frackin' SHORT, I've had authors notes longer than this crap, buT I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO! How do you write a one sided story? Not to mention the fact that I started this at 2:30 in the morning and I am supposed to go to school, you guys, the things I do for you. Ruining my schedule, skipping school, tsk tsk tsk. Jk, I love y'all.

Anyway, do enjoy friendly fires.


Sherlock watched John, in a not creepy way of course, but just watched the older man sleep. The dreams swimming in his head, painting an unnoticeable smile on his face to anyone with a simple mind, but it was Sherlock, of course he saw it.

Or maybe that's just his relaxed face, always so kind, always so beautiful.

His large hands cradled his head on top of the pillow, how could John hold Sherlocks entire world in just two hands? They were strong, maybe in another life he worked construction, what a beautiful use to put them to.

Sherlock studied him, imagining all the trials and grief that were plainly visible in the furrow of his brow, or the creases on his forehead, all the joy that was carved into his features through the lines at the corners of his mouth, or the wrinkles by his eyes. So many emotions clearly there with just one glance at the man, and with one glance you notice that he's the kind of man who can find joy on the darkest of days.

His hair was strangely grey for a man so young, maybe all the stress he's been through has taken its toll.

Sherlock sits on the bed and watches John, his mind racing with all the thoughts about him, his heart more full than it's ever been, he can finally feel, after his whole life, shutting out emotions, being a robotic freak who only studies people, after everything, he can finally have emotions and know, firsthand, what it feels like to love someone, and an even more foreign feeling; to be loved.


Like I said, short, probably took you thirty seconds to read, IDK.

I took an enneagram test online and it turns out I'm a four, or 'the individualist', which makes sense because I love being alone. But it was also a close tie with six, 'the loyalist' which is the kind of person who has trust issues and is worried all the time, lets go sixes! And the runner up is a three, which also makes perfect sense, 'the achiever' who is energetic and gets everything done. Theres more to each of those obviously, but thats the bottom line pretty much.

If you've taken it tell me your results, I think its such a cool thing and its so fun to hear what people got.

If you haven't taken it then you definitely should, its super cool and spot on, you just have to search up enneagram test and then click the first thing.

Anyway, peace out dawgs, I'll hopefully see you again tomorrow.

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