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Seokjin's POV-

"Let's go on a date. Right now."

Taehyung's standing as still as a pillar after he just blurted that out. Did I hear him right??

I stutter unable to wrap it around my mind.

He looks alarmed. Like a frightened deer caught in the headlights.

"C-ChiChi..." He points a finger at my daughter.

"What?" I repeat again.

Taehyung sprints to the spot where we are. I can see his bangs drenched in sweat. His lips quiver as he tries to stutter back a response.

"C-ChiChi... l-let me take ChiChi on a d-date. Yeah. That's what I said."

"What??" I repeat the word for a third time.

"A p-play-date...?"
Taehyung's face looks like he's holding in a fart.

"What are you? 5?? Geez. I'm leaving! Why are there so many weirdos around me!?"
I spin around annoyed and starts to walk away but notice that my left hand is empty. Someone important is supposed to be holding it.

I swear that cheeky little brat!

I turn back and see my daughter smiling up at the weirdo.

"Can we go hab ice-cweam, tweacher?"
She has her sneaky tiny hands wrapped around his finger already.

"Kim Chi! Come here this instant! We're going home."

She shakes her head and gives me a pout and totally ignoring my existence, turns her attention to her so called date.
"Ice-cweam at park is the best. Les go there, Tweacher."

Taehyung smiles back at me sheepishly and his tall frame is dragged away in the direction of the local park by the tiny, pink wearing minion.

Before I can follow them, I feel a hand on my shoulder.

Jimin's slimy hand on my worldwide shoulder.

I give him a sharp look and he's quick to withdraw it.

"Jinnie, I think you should be careful."

"What about?"

"That teacher.. I've been watching him since he's little ChiChi's class teacher and he doesn't look or act like a teacher in any way. I don't think he even is one.."

Jimin's chewing on his fingers, puckering his lips like a fish. Jungkook stands behind him like a dumb bodyguard on hire.

"That's because he was a str-..."
I shot back fast but stop myself.

Wait. Why am I even trying to defend that weirdo?
I shake my own thoughts off.

"Wait. No. You're not in any place to be talking about someone's job, Jimin. Why did you choose this job yourself? I could ask you that too."

"But I love kids! I grew up with babysitting jobs all my life. I'm just looking out for you and ChiChi, Jinnie..."

"I don't need you to. Whatever concerns regarding her teacher..I'll take care of it myself. You guys mind your own business and your manners. You can't just jump and lick each other's faces anywhere. If I see you doing that infront of my daughter again, I'll super-glue your lips together for good."

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