making dinner

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It’s a busy week for me and the company. We are making a huge shipment to Dubai. I have Liz and Allan foresee everything is in place. I trust them; they have proved valuable. The first delivery carries about twenty thousand glass packages well packed in containers. Liz is proficient with the customs. She has a good bond with several senior officers there. She therefore has a way of hastening the otherwise lengthy clearance process. Sultan Saleey has expressed satisfaction with the quality and the design.
At around 1p.m when things have eased up, I drive to the central business district. The traffic is heavy so it takes about an hour for me to pack municipal parking lot. I walk along Moi Avenue then divert to the Tom Mboya Street. The building I am looking for is just a few blocks ahead. The roses protruding from the small bag in my grasp attract attention of a few curious pedestrians. I walk to the entrance of the Kenya Re, a skyscraper and land mark in Nairobi. It is rumoured to be jointly owned by Justin and a powerful politician. There is a small queue being frisked into the building.
Once inside I walk into the lift amidst a group of five people. Everyone seems lost into the phone as the lift starts ascending. With the transparent glass wall, the lift allows one to have a magnificent view of the city. I walk out of the lift the last at twenty second floor. That is the roof of the building. I have done my research well. I walk through a small corridor that opens up to a beautiful reception desk area. “Mwangi and advocates” the inscription on the wall is legible as I walk to the desk where a young lady is seated lost behind a huge desktop screen.
She quickly lifts her face to my attention then her face blossom into a smile. She curiously eyes the courier bag clutched in my palm. “How are you? You look very elegant,” I speak. I know how flatters work for ladies when you need a favour.
She blushes as she utters a soft thank you. “I seek to see Miss Maggie Mwangi,” I declare. She fumbles through a small note book then turn to me once again.
“Excuse me. Did you have a booked appointment with her,” she asks looking confused.
“Not really. But I am a friend. It’s a surprise visit,” I reply hopefully.
She is obviously not convinced yet. “I am sorry but Miss Mwangi is quite busy. Sometimes she is strict about her visitors. May be you can book an appointment for another day,” she declares. She is the stubborn type of secretaries but I am not about to give in.
“Well maybe I should just call her after all. I hate to ruin the surprise,” I remark as I dig my phone from my pocket. I pretend to scroll for her number.
“Maybe I should confirm with her first. Please have a seat,” she speaks as she lifts the telephone and starts dialing. I am relieved as I perch on the reception couch. She speaks in a low tone in the headset so I cannot pick out what she is really saying.
“What is your name again?” she asks covering the receiver in her palm. I think rather quickly. I want it to be a sweet surprise for Maggie.
“I am Justin. Her father is my friend,” I remark trying to hide the smirk glowing on my lips. She resumes the conversation before she hangs up. She jots something on her notebook then turns to my direction, “its ok Justin. She can see you now.” She stands from her desk and leads me through a narrow corridor with several doors at either side. We reach the door at the end of the corridor. It has a wooden tag pinned on it ‘chief advocate’. She turns the door knob and pushes the door open.
I walk in leaving her at the door. The door closes leaving Maggie and I in her well- furnished office. She cups her mouth in her pals in clear disbelief.
“Don’t I deserve a hug?” I tease as I walk towards her desk.
“Oh my, Joe what a sweet surprise! I just didn’t expect you,” she squeals she rises to her feet and hurry in my direction. We embrace in a warm bear hug. “I hope my visit is not an inconvenience,” I speak over her shoulder as I pat her back. She leans back so that our eyes meet.
“It was actually the best time. My schedule is lenient today,” she declares excitedly. I can’t resist the thought of her glistening lips. I bend close and she locks our lips in a kiss. I slide my arms around her waist. Her hands lock behind my neck. For a moment everything else is silent save for the soft bubbling of our lips.
“I have not seen you anymore beautiful,” I confess when we break from the kiss. She indeed is cute. She has worn a body-fit trouser suit. It beautifully hugs her gorgeous body figure drawing out the perfection in her beauty.
“You really flatter,” she replies shyly. She holds my hand and leads me to a leather sofa at a corner of the room. We sit close together. I hand her the roses and the courier bag. She is very curious as she empties the content onto her laps.
“How sweet of you?” she exclaims as she picks the bar of chocolate and box of pizza.
“You know I am actually starving,” she jokes as she opens the box of pizza. I love to watch her chew a mouthful.
“I just needed the sight of you,” I flatter her as we eat the pizza together. She has a lot to tell me. Her excitement is evident in the way she is smiling. I extend my stay in her office for an hour then it’s time to leave.
“I just want you to know you mean the world to mean. I am there for you in case you need me,” I whisper into her ears as we rise from the sofa.
“I appreciate it Joe,” she replies. I love the soft glow in her eyes. They look adorable.
“I don’t know how this sounds but, I love you Maggie,” I tell her with my hand slipping to cup hers in the warmth of my palm.
“Joe, I have to admit it. I love you too. I can’t deny it anymore. I felt this feeling a long time ago but I had to be sure what I am getting myself into. Remember I am delicate. I have seen you trying so hard to win me. You have me, take it easy,” she speaks the golden words I have craved to hear from her for a long time. I feel a strange overwhelming sensation surging through my brain. My glee is boundless.
“Maggie…” the words escape me. I just can’t express my delight at the moment.
“It’s ok. I know. I can read your silent words,” she chimes in as she throws herself into my embrace. We remain cuddled tightly onto each other. It’s a magical moment for me. I can’t believe this has actually happened. I don’t even know what to say to her. My fingers play around with her long hair. I love the scent of her hair shampoo. It gives me a strangely sweet sensation. Our lips entangle once again, this time in a furious kiss. Everything else is silent save for the gasp of our breath and the throbbing of our hearts.
“I was wondering if we can do dinner tonight,” I suggest when we come evolve back from the trance.
“Tonight is okay. I will be there,” she answers sweetly. I can see the glow in her eyes.
“How about we make it my place? I mean I would love to specially prepare it for you,” I tell her trying to conceal my blush.
She smiles at the sound of it. She keeps a warm gaze into my eyes.
“I would love that definitely,” she replies in the sweetest girlish tone she could bake. She gives me a cheeky stare and I can guess she is cooking something. I give back a curious stare.
“But on condition,” she declares
“What condition sugar pudding?” I inquire teasingly. She blushes. I can tell she is trying to sink in to the sudden change of events. It could take some time to iron out everything between us but that’s not anything to worry about. Everything should fall into place.
“You know I am not good with pet names,” she giggles. I laugh.
“You have not given the condition yet,” I reply blushing off her remark. She should get used to it soon because I intend to spoil her.
“You won’t buy anything ready-made. You will cook it yourself,” she replies laughing. I laugh in realization my antics have just met a dead end. I am not giving in. there has to be away.
“It’s a deal,” I agree. I can read the doubt on her face. I know I am not very good with cooking but I have a secret plan already. I smile at the cheeky ideas already streaming through my mind.
She walks me out of her office. Her secretary seems amazed as we stop at her desk. She gives us curious looks in turns. I can tell she has burning urge to say something but for some reason she lets it pass. Maggie does the introduction formally.
“Mary this is Joe. Joe this is Maggie,” she states. Mary seems hazy probably because I used a different name. She has her gaze fixed onto my face. I know what she is thinking already. The name sends her to a silent thought as though trying to remember something.
“Hi Mary. Sorry about the incident earlier on. Joe is my name. I used Justin to save my surprise visit. I know you understand, don’t you?” I declare in a chuckle. Maggie smiles and shakes her head.
She smiles and nods. “Welcome Joe,” she replies shaking my hand. We proceed with Maggie towards the elevator. I bid her off and walk into the lift. She waves me off as the door closes leaving her standing like a love smitten high school girl. I smile to myself as the lift begins descending to the ground floor. I happen to be alone thus giving me enough room for an excited dance. My mischief is cut short when the door slides open. I am already at the ground floor. I proceed on to the parking lot.
I feel over the moon and back as I drive back to the office. I have a few things to iron out before I head to my apartment to prepare for the big occasion ahead. The city is bubbling with life in the usual glamour. I enjoy the sight of pedestrians hurrying along the streets. The booming music from heavily graffiti commuter buses is no longer an anathema as I drive through the traffic. The long afternoon traffic is not my worry as I head to Nairobi Westland.
I am in high spirits as I clear out of the city into the serene Westland. I love the tranquility in this neighbourhood. It is a relief from the noise tinted city offices. It gives me a peace of mind when i can listen to my own thought away from the noise. The short drive to my office is even shorter: Probably because of my excitement. I pull up at my parking slot and walk into the building that houses my offices. I find myself whistling as I approach my secretary’s desk. She brightens in the usual fondness as I lean forward.
“Hi Joe,” she greets ne as she leans back on her seat.
“I am good Liz. I everything is in place. I mean the shipment,” I reply. I know everything should be okay. If there were any hiccups she would have not hesitated to call me. She has proved valuable in getting things done.
“Everything is in place. We cleared with the authorities and paid the duties. I also called Saleey and informed him the goods are to be delivered in two days. The waiting trucks are all set to transit the containers when the ship docks. There is nothing to worry about,” she declares with a smile.
I am relieved. I had to be sure everything is up to the plan. I detest last minute disappointments.  I walk into my office and check through my emails. There is nothing demanding attention. I power my laptop and get down to work. There are several orders calling for special attention. I have to keep my eyes peeled so that nothing goes off the tangent. One of them is for the military. Justin had swayed the deal my way. When it comes to government one needs people in power to get these deals. The military has given me a tender to supply military gear for the soldiers. The deal is lucrative though there are several hands involved. There is Justin and a cabinet secretary who Justin had insisted to remain anonymous.
“That is the only way to earn from the government. There are dozens of secrets to keep safely concealed in your heart. Contrary to that, the consequences are dire. You know how these politicians care about their reputation. You don’t dig into details as long as you get your cheque,” Justin had pointed out in his usual humour. The figure involved is definitely enormous. It’s a cake for the fat cats.
I have contacted a company in the United Kingdom to print out the whole order. The quality is to be without compromise. The military is quite specific on the quality to fastidious details. The deal is even better because the same company is doing the whole military gear. It will take at least three months to make the full supply. Everything is in place so far. I can’t help fantasizing with the boost it will give my personal account upon closing the deal.
Everything is in place. I rise from my seat an hour later and pick my car keys. Liz is engulfed behind her desktop. I can’t quite draw out if what happened between us has had any impact on her psychologically. She looks fine though. She looks up from her computer. The eyes behind the glasses glisten into a soft glow. The usual smile brightens her face. I don’t intend to extend my stay in the office. I have a date to attend to.
“I might be late tomorrow. Kindly reschedule any appointments for Monday morning,” I tell her.
She looks at me curiosity taking a toll. She digs into her notebook beside the computer. After perusing through the pages she returns her gaze at me. “Tomorrow you are all clear. Just one appointment but I will handle that,” she replies.
“Make sure the deliveries are punctual. We don’t have to incur any extra cost for inconvenience to our clients. I trust you will handle everything, like you always have. Enjoy your evening Liz. I am leaving right away,” I declare and turn to leave.
“Don’t drink and drive. I know Thursday is your favorite, but be careful,” Liz remarks. I stop and turn around blushing. Liz is smiling at the poke. She is ever nagging and concerned. I sometimes party on Thursday nights but not too often.
“Thanks for concern but I don’t think that’s my plan for the evening. I actually had a totally different idea for tonight,” I reply in a giggle.
She chuckles and gives me a doubtful glance. “You just take care out there and see you on Monday,” she states in the usual seductive smirks.
“I promise. I will be careful,” I submit and walk out of the office for the elevator. Thought of having Maggie around for dinner makes me excited. I intend to make it worthwhile and memorable. The crave for the moment is overwhelming.
I drive to a nearby mall to get some things I could need for the dinner set up. Making dinner is not my thing but I got to give it a trial. I shall download a recipe and work through it. It once worked for me. It could work again or worse disappoint.  I chuckle at the thought. Still I can’t fight the thought of purchasing some fast food from a fast food joint. I pick out all the stuff I imagine could work for the night not forgetting a bottle of my favorite whisky and another of some red wine. Once Satisfied, I walk back to the car and drive to my apartment. The road is way clear so I can do some speed. I need to hastily prepare everything before Maggie arrives. It’s 5.30 p.m. so I have at least two hours to put everything in place. I am still fantasizing about the dinner when my phone buzzes from my pocket. I pull it out. It’s Tom! I receive the call.
Tom is a good asset when it comes to this kind of stuff. He sounds excited as he opens a conversation about my new deal with the military. He is actually puzzled how I seized such an opportunity. Anyway, he is ever proud of me. We have a long history together. His career is flourishing as well. He is now a top ranked journalist. He has a good figure income. He deserves it. He is both smart intellectually and passionate.
“We need to celebrate tonight. We are happy for you,” he remarks enthusiastically. I know it would deserve a toss but its wrong timing for me.
“You know that would be splendid Tom but I got a situation tonight. It’s tricky to hook up today but we can fix latter date,” I reply.
“It’s Thursday Joe. What are you up to anyway?” he gets curious. I know he won’t let go until I spill the beans so I confess. He laughs at the end of the story. i can guess what he finds funny.
“Wait a minute. You lied you can cook?” he continues laughing.

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