Chapter 1

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I was running around in the woods when I heard a siren I knew that meant it was time for everyone to go inside and stay inside because of the rouges but there aren't any rogues where I'm at in fact it's probably more dangerous for me to go out of here. I get up with a sigh and walk out I've been here all day I just don't want to deal with my dad. he's always on my ass about the little things it's annoying  I can't ever breath. I was walking and I looked up to see I was to much in my thoughts I was by the board I've never been this fair before I think about what's on the opposite side but I don't cross it knowing I'll be stepping into the Beaumont pack I've heard it's a dangerous pack all alphas I mean they have omegas but a lot of them are bonded with mean omegas. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard the guards yelling at me so I went home fast and was already prepared to get scolded by his dad. He walks in and sees his dad waiting by the door. ANDREW FOWLER GET YOUR BUTT IN MY OFFICE NOW my dad screamed since all the servants are gone. I go into his office and sit down and he comes storming In. Did you not hear the bell he said.  Yes I did I was on my way but I got lost on my mind and almost crossed the boarder lime but I didn't I'm sorry I said hoping he forgave him. Andrew that's not an excuse you know what time the bell rings. I expect you to be home before that not during it you know better. what if you got hurt what if I don't see you again. if it keeps happening I'll have to lock you in your room understand me he said clearly still mad. Dad I'm not a baby I can defend for my self just leave me alone. I get up and run out outside not thinking. I start running I run into the forest. I keep running and running until I can't run anymore. I was dangerously close to passing the board. At times I think about leaving this all behind. I make it to the lake and just sit there.

Ryan POV
I was messing around with some female omegas when my dad came and said that we needed to talk of course I know what it's about it's about finding me a omega that I like. I get up and go into his office. Yes dad I say . Ryan we need to find you a omega I have good for you there's a guy Andrew Fowler son of the king of the Fowler's . Yesterday's was close to the boarder he could have just walked in I want you to wait for him to cross and bring him to me then we will figure out what to do with him. Dad he's a boy I don't like boys I said. Ryan get over it deep down you know you are straight  I seen the way you look at boy omegas  he said and I immediately put my head down. Ryan it's ok I'm not judging if you like boys you like boys there nothing I can do but look at Andy he's fine. I look at him and smiles thank you father I said. Your welcome son ok your done. Rye walks out and goes into his room . Andrew Fowler I'm coming for you.

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