Chapter 2

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David is ryes dad
Andys POV
I went back to the castle a few hours ago. I wanted to go out and walk so I did. I climbed out the window and went to my favorite place. A few hours had past and Im still at the lake. I decided I was going to go back it was getting late and I didn't want to get lost . I started walking and like always I continue to walk but then I accidentally crossed the boarder with out knowing I smelt some alphas somewhere and I thought that was weird the scent got closer and So I stopped in my track and looked around see red eyes I got scared. i see the one person i dont want to see Ryan Beauont one of the strongest alphas out there.

Ryes POV
(David is ryes dad)
I heard the signal saying andrew crossed the boarded I run towards them fast and reaches him and slowly goes toward him I can tell he's scared I tell my guys to leave so they listen then I growl at him scaring him some more i transform into my human form and stares at him
Andy: what do you want.
Rye:I dont want anything at all prince andrew
Andy: dont call me that and clearly you want something and let me tell you * sniffes *alpha im not one of your booty call * goes to turn around*.
rye: wow the fact that you think all alphas are bad and uses omeags like that hurts my feelings i wont want anything to do with you. *starts walking around him*
Andy well its true what do you want Beaumont I dont got all day. *watches him*
hits him not hard enough to kill him but hard enough to knock him out and takes him back to the manstion goe sto his dad
Rye: dad I got him hes here and no he isnt dead
David: you did that was way easier then I thought it would be take him to your bed and stay with him unitl he wakes up
Rye: dad why my bed
David: because I said now go
Rye: fine what ever * takes andy to his bed and sits down next to him waiting for him to wake up

Andys POV
I wake up in a unfamiliar bed I look up and see rye sitting next to me I get scared so I jump up
Rye: im not going to hurt you dont worry
Andy: then why am I here
Rye: reasons now get up
Andy:  why do I need to listen to you
Rye: because I said now GET UP
Andy gets up and rye grabs his arm and takes him to ryes dad Andy gets even more scared
David: Andrew Fowler sit down
Andy does as he says
Andy: what do you want why am I here let me go home
David :andrew you crossed the line if  I wanted to hurt you I would have done it already trust  me I dont want a fowler in here after what your father did Andy:what did my father
David:you dont know
Andy: know what my father didnt tell me anything
Robbie: your pack killed my mother
Andy: we did im sorry I didnt know my father hid alot if stuff from me my dad said you guys attacked us. 
David:  that never happen
Andy:so my father lied to me everything I know about the world is fake
I sit there learning that my dad is a lying asshole I have no clue what to do  so I sit there listening to him I can tell ryes getting mad but its not my fault my dad probably doesny care that im gone why would he if I get released from here I cant go back there.
Ryes POV
im starting to get angry I get called out by my father and Robbie
Robbie: dad what do we do
David: we let him go,take him to prision casue he crossed the line or he stays here as an omaga and he becomes ryes servant or something but he gets treated with respect.
Robbie: I dont know what to do * looks at Rye
Rye: why dont we let him decide
David: what do you mean
Rye : he chooses what to do
David: ok
Robbie: ok
David: lets go back in
al the boys go back in
David: Andy you have three chocies  we let you go,we take you  to prision cause you crossed the line or you  stays here as an omaga and becomes ryes servant or something but he gets treated with respect.
Andy: I....

hey guys sorry it took so long to update i wrote it then it wouldnt ave so i gave up but o finished chapter 2 and im about to go write chapter 3 anyways i hope you all liked it and i will see you soon
what do you think andy will do stay  tuned.

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