Chapter 3

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Andys POV
Andy: I...I don't know
David: well thinks about the pros and cons pros for leaving you get to see your family cons you go back to your dad, prison there are no pros but cons you are locked up and staying here pros you get a roof over your head good food and people can trust you, cons your a servant and you go and spy on people for us
Andy: king Beaumont I would like you stay here with you guys
David: got it
Andy: but on one condition my brother brook comes to stay with us
David: how do I know we can trust him
Andy: you can he's an innocent kid I promise
David: ok I will have rye go with you tomorrow
Rye: what why me
David: you are the strongest out there if they try to cause anything you can stop them
Rye:but dad
David: enough you are going get over it now take Andy to your room
Rye: my room
David: yes your room now go
Rye: fine let's go Andy
Andy gets up and waits for him to lead the way

Ryes POV
I walk to my room and Andy follows I don't understand why he has to stay with me why can't he stay with Robbie or the twins god This is annoying
Rye: here it is your new room * rolls my eyes
Andy: you act like I want to stay with you to geez you aren't the only one
Rye: whatever just stay off my side of the bed everything else you can use
Andy:ok * sits on his side of the bed
Rye gets bored and texts sonny
Rye: hey wanna hang
Sonny: sure I heard you have a new servant is it a female what's is name 
Rye: no sonny it's a male omega and his name is Andy, do you want to meet at my room then we can go on a run
Sonny: oh, sure give me a minute will he be coming with us
Rye: oh god no, it's bad enough I have to share a room with him I don't want to spend time with his gay ass
Sonny: he's gay so what's arent you gay
Rye: oh god no I'm straight I like women
Sonny: yea ok whatever I'm almost here
Sonny knocks on the door
Rye:come In
Sonny comes in and Andy is on the bed sleeping
Rye: don't wake him up
Sonny: I wasn't going to
Rye: ok whatever let's go
Rye walks out and walks outside and transforms then waits for sonny
Sonny transition and starts running
After a while they came inside then going to ryes room and sees Andy sleeping on his side of the bed
Sonny: aww he's cute
Rye: shut up * rolls his eyes
Sonny: ok
David: Ryan I need Andy in my office
Rye: ok
Rye: Andy get up
Andys POV
I'm waken up by rye
Rye: my dad wants you go
Andy: ok
I go to David's office and knocks
David: come in
Andy:* walks in
David: Andy nice to see you
Andy: you to sir you needed to see me
David: yes Andy I'm sick
Andy: oh I'm sorry do I need to get something for you
David: no Andy I'm dying and Robbie can't be king
Andy: oh so wouldn't that make rye next In line
David: yes but he can't become king unless he has a Luna
Andy: ok so what does that have to do with me do you want me to help find one
David: no I want you to marry him
Andy: I'm sorry sir what
David: I want you to become Luna now I know he won't be happy about this since your a boy but I think it's a great idea
Andy: shouldn't he be in here
David: no are you ok with doing that
Andy: doing what sir
David: marrying him since your gay all you need to do is have him fall in love with you
Andy: sir I don't know if you've noticed but I'm not the best person for someone to fall in love with
David: oh trust me I know don't tell them I'm sick
Andy: ok
David: your dismisses
Andy goes to his room but doesn't know how to feel he enters the room and sees rye laying there on his side Andy: hi
Rye: hey what did my dad want
Andy: oh nothing
Rye: * rolls his eyes * that's a lie
Andy: I'm sorry
Rye: so what did my dad want
Andy: just something with the whole spy stuff
Rye: oh ok * lays there
Andy lays down next to him and continue to think
Ryes POV
after Andy got done talking with my dad he acting different less talkative then normal I wonder what's that about I'll talk to my dad tomorrow about it but for right now I'm tried so I fall asleep
* next morning
I wake up before Andy and I go to my dad
Rye: dad what did you talk to Andy about 
David: nothing why
Rye: because he came back weird
David: I don't know
Rye: * gets a feeling he's lying * dad why are you lying
David: I don't know I'm definitely not lying to you
Rye: dad just tell me
David:*sighs* go get Robbie
I go get Robbie
Rye: Robbie dad needs to talk us something
Robbie: what
Rye: I don't know come on
Robbie and rye goes to their dads room
David: boys I'm sick
Rye: what do you need me to get you something
David: n-no
Robbie: what do you mean by sick 
Rye: yea what do you mean
David: I'm dying
Rye: what no you can't die
Robbie: dad you can't die we can just find a cure
David: I've tried nothing works
Rye: but dad we need you you can leave
David: I'm sorry Ryan I am I wish I could stay
Rye: what about king I'm not ready I don't have a Luna
David: you still have a couple months but I think I found a perfect match for you
Rye: who if I don't like them I'm not doing it

Who did he find for rye wait for the next chapter

Anyways I'm sorry for this very late chapter I was working on it but got distracted but I made dance team and jv winter guard witch is exciting

Even though jack has left the band they are still friends so I'm going to continue to have him on this book I really hope you guys don't mind but anyways I hope you guys liked this chapter

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