Chapter Seven:Judy

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  Ethel flipped the page of her book,the quiet rustling and her barely audible breaths the only sounds in the cabin. Judy had been inside the bath for about half an hour by now,being silent for the last few minutes.

  "YOU'RE A FUCKING SLUT!"Barbara screamed outside.
Ethel sighed and set her book down,picking up her phone and calling her father.

"Daddy?It's Barbara and Mal.They're fighting again,"Ethel told him.
"It's fine sweetie-"the phone was cut off by it switching off.
The girl jolted and stared.Her phone was dead.

  Bored,Ethel noticed that Judy's figurine was missing.

  Small splashes of rain battered the windows as Ethel stood up,strollijg over to the bathroom.
"Judy?You in there still?Dinner'll be ready soon!"she called.

No answer.

"JUDY?ARE YOU IN THERE?" Ethel raised her voice slightly to catch her friend's attention.She sighed and pushed the door open,entering the bathroom.She screamed in horror.

  "No...Judy....NO....JUDY NO NO NO!"she screamed, slumping against the doorway and bursting into sobs.In a flash Rosemary was cradling her sister in her arms.

  Judy lay in the bath,the water around her deep crimson. The teenager's face was blotchy and bloody,specks of the red liquid on her cheeks.Her glass figurine was stuffed down her throat.

  Judy Craven,eighteen years old,died in her bath,brutally murdered.On the floor next to the bath lay a small yellow note addressed to "Camp April".Both girls rushed outside,screaming loudly about the death.

  Angela,Paul,Ricky,Raj and Patrick rushed towards the quickly-growing crowd.Raj burst into sobs at the eight of Ethel's wide eyes.He sprinted back into the boy's cabin, Patrick running after him.

  "What do you think happened?"Paul asked.
"Judy's dead.She's dead." Angela stepped back,her back hitting Thomas' crotch.He was next to Sylvie,calling the place hurriedly.

  "Yes.Someone's been murdered,"Thomas said into the phone.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2019 ⏰

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