Heroes Among Us

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God gave us brothers
And sisters in Christ
To help us with hard times
And shine their light

But as I looked around
I didn't see my brother
Someone who could stand against
The wind, the rain, the thunder.

So I secluded myself
Eradicated my emotions
Put my heart on a shelf

I gave myself over
To the lies of the world
Pulled my mask to cover
My fear, anger, and cold

The world grew heavy
It hurt to stay alive
I thought nobody could want me
And so I tried to die

I was so scared
But nobody saw
Nobody cared

Yet you saw my struggle
Understood the danger
Reached through the bubble
Around all the anger

You told me I was worth it
That I had a purpose
That somebody loved me
For what's beneath the surface

I thank God everyday
For your love and thoughtfulness
And that you are
And ALWAYS will be
A Hero among us

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