Ch.17 The babies are born

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30 weeks pregnant 

Damon's Pov

30 weeks pregnant, I'm so close to meeting these babies. My milk came in and Stiles has been enjoying that fact. The sex has been great because I'm so sensitive the closer I get to giving birth. The babies have kicking more than normal and have been making me pee every few minutes. I have been having Braxton Hicks and they have been coming every day. Deaton says the babies are healthy and look good. Stiles and I have been going over the birth plan. The plan is that I want to give birth here at home. If the home birth doesn't work then we will head to Deaton and have a c-section. 

35 weeks pregnant

The babies have stopped moving around so much because they have run out of room inside of my womb. I have been having contractions since I woke up this morning. The contractions have been coming every three hours. Stiles has been by my side since the first contraction. Even though Stiles hasn't said anything I know that he is nervous because he doesn't want anything bad to happen to me or the babies during the birth.  As labor goes on the more I drink blood which Deaton said was normal for vampires who are in labor. The reason behind it is because during birth you lose blood and vampires need blood to live, so during labor, they drink blood to make sure that the blood loss will not cause issues. 

2 hours into Labor

I have been in active labor for two hours. Deaton says that I'm 3 cm dilated and the contractions are now two hours apart. For the past two hours, I have been moving around the house trying to keep my mind off the contractions. One of the things I have done is make sure we have everything we need for birth. 

Stiles's Pov

Damon has been in labor for the past two hours. Right now Damon is standing in the middle of the living room having a contraction. I tried to move over to him but I got hissed at so I took a sit on the couch. When the contraction ended Damon moved over to sit down next to me. 

"I wish this would go faster". 

I put my hand on his belly and rub it. 

"I'm sorry". 

5 hours into Labor

Stiles's  Pov

Damon has now been in labor for five hours and I hate seeing my husband in so much pain. Damon's water broke about an hour ago and when Deaton checked him, Damon was 6 cm dilated. Damon had told me that he could feel baby A moving down into the birth canal. Damon wanted to try and give birth to the babies in a birthing pool. I take out the birthing pool and start to inflate it. John, Klaus, Elijah, Peter, and Melissa all showed up after Damon's water broke. Deaton and Melissa are making they have everything for the birth and after the babies have been born. John is with Damon right now along with Peter. My brothers have been helping Deaton and Melissa. 

8 hours into Labor

Damon's Pov

I have been in labor for eight hours now and I'm so done. The good thing is that I'm 9 cm dilated and can get into the birthing pool that has been set up in our living/dining room and it's been filled with warm water. About 30 minutes since getting into the pool I feel the need to push. 


"Yes Damon". 

"I feel like I need to push". 

Deaton checks me and says that I'm 10 cm dilated and that I can push on the next contraction. When I feel the next contraction I start to push. I can feel the baby moving down. When the contraction ends I make Stiles get into the pool behind me and I rest on him. 

When the next contraction hits I push down hard. 

"Come on Damon you're doing so good".  says Stiles

On the next contraction, I feel this pressure and push. 

"The head is crowning Damon". says Deaton 

I push down hard and then feel a pop.

"Don't push yet Damon". says Deaton

Deaton checks to see if the cord is around the baby's neck and it's not.

Deaton gives me the okay to start pushing again and I push out the shoulders. Deaton puts his hands down there to catch the baby as the next contraction hits I push and feel the baby slip out of me. Deaton takes the baby out of the water.

"It's a girl". says Deaton

He put Cayley on my chest and I just look at her. 

"She's beautiful Damon". says Stiles.

I nod my head and just look at her. Deaton clamps the cord and hands the scissors to Stiles who cuts the cord then John takes Cayley to clean her up so I can deliver her brothers. I can the next baby moving down into my birth canal. When the contraction comes I push. The contractions come a few minutes apart until the baby is crowing. I push until the baby's head is born. Deaton checks and I'm given the okay to push. A few more pushes and our first boy is born. We cut the cord and give Henry to Peter. 

Stiles's Pov 

Two babies down and one more to go. Damon has been doing so good and I'm so proud of him. I can tell when the next contraction hits Damon because he grabs my hand and squeezes hard. Damon keeps pushing until the baby is crowning. The contractions come and go until the baby is born and laying on Damon's chest. It's only after the cord is cut and Asher is handed to Klaus is when I notice that the water is rapidly turning red. 


"Yes Stiles"

"What's wrong with Damon". 

Deaton looks at Damon and sees the water. After that everything happens so fast. Damon is pulled out of the pool and laid on the floor. Deaton is trying to stop the blood along with Melissa and Elijah. The one thing that scares me the most is seeing Melissa doing CPR on my vampire mate, husband, and the father of my children. I hear the babies crying but I can't bring myself to move from Damon's side. I don't understand how this is happening because Damon is a vampire and I didn't think he could bleed to death. 

"We need to take Damon to my office. 

We get Damon to the vet clinic and Deaton starts to try and stop the bleeding. After three hours Damon is stable but still unconscious. I head home even though I don't want to but Damon would want me with the babies.  I get home and the babies have been cleaned, dressed, fed, and asleep. I head to my bedroom and take a shower. After I get out of the shower I see John sitting on my bed. 

"Stiles get some sleep. We are going to stay and help". 

I nod my head, get dressed and get into bed. Grabbing one of Damon's pillows I fall asleep. 

Cayley Paige Mikaelson 

Born: June 21st, 2016

Time: 2:05 pm

Henry James Mikaelson 

Born: June 21st, 2016

Time: 2:10 pm 

Asher Beau Mikaelson 

Born: June 21st, 2016

Time: 2:20 pm 

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