Chapter 21

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Please note that I'm not using beta and never willAny comments about how I write will be deletedI'm not trying to be rude but I don't care what people think about my writing style.If you don't like then don't readPlease Read and like


Previously on

Stiles is a Mikaelson

Stefan's Pov

Getting up, I use the bathroom and shower before getting breakfast then checking out. Bonnie, Jeremy, and Caroline all come out of the hotel and we head to Beacon Hills California. After about five hours of driving, we pass a sign that says

"Welcome to Beacon Hills California".


Stiles's Pov

Damon got a text from Stefan saying that they were in Beacon Hills. Damon told Stefan that he could come over to see the babies and only him. I know that Stefan is nervous to meet them. I hear a knock on the door and open it to see Stefan standing there. 

"Hi Stiles". says Stefan 

"Hello Stefan please come in". I say

Stefan steps inside the house and I close the door before anyone unwanted show up. I take Stefan into the living room and have him sit down on the couch. Walking into the nursery I see Damon nursing Henry. Picking up Cayley and Asher while Damon finishes nursing Henry, we walk into the living room. Stefan is standing at the fireplace looking at the pictures from our wedding and the birth of the triplets.

"Damon". says Stefan

"Stefan". says Damon

Damon sits down on the couch and Stefan sits down next to him. Damon passes Asher over to Stefan.

"You are holding Asher Beau". says Damon 

"He is very cute". says Stefan

"Stiles is holding the only little girl in the group Cayley Paige while I'm holding Henry James". says Damon. 

"Wow Damon three babies". says Stefan 

"I know, they were a shock but I love them so much". says Damon 

"I'm sorry I missed your wedding Damon and the birth of the babies". says Stefan 

"I was mad and angry when you did show up to the wedding but after I almost died having the triplets. I forgave you". says Damon 

We switch the babies around until Stefan has had the chance to hold all three of the babies. Damon and I put the babies down for a nap before joining Stefan back in the living room. 

"Why did Elena come here"? asks Damon 

"It all started about a month ago when Bonnie and Jemrey said that they could see Alaric and that Alaric wanted to talk to you Damon. I offered to come to tell you but Elena wanted to be the one even though I knew it was a bad idea but she left before we could stop her". says Stefan

"Now we have your Mystic Falls group here with the Beacon Hills group and the rest of the Originals are in Beacon Hills. It's going to get crazy". I say

"You need to tell your friends Stefan that the Originals are off-limits and if something happens to my family I will not be happy". I say

Stefan nods his head and we spend the rest of the night talking about what Stefan has missed since he went back to Mystic Falls. After Stefan left and the babies were down for the night, Damon and I lay in bed. 

"I don't want them here except for Stefan and maybe Alaric but the rest can go back". says Damon

"We will find out what Alaric wants then we can use the McCall Pack and the Hales to push the Mystic Falls gang except for Stefan and Alaric back to Mystic Falls". I say

"I love you". says Damon

"I love you too". I say


Damon's Pov

I suddenly sit up in bed and try to figure out why I'm awake at 3:15 in the morning when my hearing heard crying coming from the nursery. Getting up I walk into the nursery and see that Cayley is the one crying.  Picking up Cayley I check her diaper and find it poopy. Laying her down on the changing table I grab a diaper, the wipes, and the baby powder.  Taking off the diaper, I use the wipes before using the baby powder. I finish changing Cayley before sitting down. I cuddle Cayley to me and talk to her. As I'm talking to Cayley I feel like I'm being watched, looking around the room I don't see anyone. Henry and Asher are still asleep while Cayley has moved into nursing.

"Alaric"? I ask

I see the blanket on the changing table move

"I miss you a lot". I say

I feel a cold spot move closer to move

"After you died I started to lose myself. Started drinking more and become more depressed. When I learned that the Originals were here in Beacon Hills I thought that it would be my chance to get revenge but I fall in love with Stiles. Getting married and pregnant was something I was not expecting but it makes my immortal life so much better. I will always love you Alaric but you did tell me to move on. I will talk to only you, Bonnie, and Jeremy". I say

Looking down I see Cayley is sleeping so I put her back in her crib. I turn around and see that the chair has moved a little. 

"I will see you hopefully soon". I say 

Leaving I head back into the bedroom and climb back into bed and the arms of Stiles.


Stiles's Pov

Around 4 pm my family and the McCall pack that I trust in my house and around the babies are here. From the McCall pack, it's Lydia, Jackson, Isaac, and both Hales Derek and Peter. This group is the only one I allow around my family because I trust them the most. I don't allow Scott in or around my house because I trust him around my family at all or the pack members that sided with Scott. Dad and I are cooking dinner, while Damon is hanging out with Stefan, Klaus, and Elijah. Lydia is holding Cayley, Jackson is holding Henry, and Parrish is holding Asher while Rebecca is watching them. Isaac is talking to Kol. When dinner is done, everyone sits down with the babies in their swings where both Damon and I can see them. 

Halfway through dinner a knock on the door has both me and Damon answering the door to see the Mystic Falls gang standing at the door with Elena at the front. 

"Hello". I say 

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