6 State of affairs

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I do not know how this happened, but I reached 100 reads! Thanks a lot! (ノ ̄ω ̄)ノ I'm bouncing alone around the room, haha!!
I'll try to update in a faster pace, but work is keeping me busy, not to say I have a business trip from Monday on...
Just know that I very much appreciate it and that will keep upgrading/editing the chapters little by little. For instance, I FINALLY uploaded a cover! Hope you like it ;)
See you later and enjoy the chapter!
A/N end

---- Affair: A matter that is a particular person's concern or responsibility. ----

I watched the lying body, blood still gushing from it. I turned to my brother and the closed his eyes, dropping his head in defeat.

"Did I kill him?" My voice sounded weird, not like myself.

Max stood still for a couple of seconds and looked at me in the eyes, a single tear falling from his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I could not stop you..."

"Nooooooo!" I jumped out of bed, screaming. I looked around in distress, searching for something that confirmed it was, once again, a dream.

I was in my room, surrounded by piles of books that had been increasing in the past 3 years. I placed a hand on my heart, closed my eyes, and concentrated on my breathing, trying to slow down the pumping machine in my chest.

3 years since the real incident. 3 years since Max stopped me from killing the heir to another pack. 3 years since I ruined completely the alliance... Thus, 3 years since I had been banned from any activity outside the pack.

Since my uncontrolled shift, I hadn't stop researching and studying about our kind. That day was also the last one I felt completely relaxed and not afraid of myself...

I brushed the sweat off my forehead and looked at the clock on the wall. Six in the morning.

I had planned to rest a little longer, but it would be impossible to catch some sleep anymore. I loosened my French braid and headed to the bathroom. I needed a cold shower before the morning training.


Max and I made our way through the corridor, holding hands. Other students made space for us to pass with a mix of respect and fear reflected in their eyes.

After the incident, like people in my pack liked to call it, Max's and my image changed dramatically. He becoming a respected future Alpha, and me...

The news about my first shifting, followed by me going feral and nearly killing a wolf three years older than me, spread like a fire in a dry forest. All of the assistants to the Moon festival went back to their respective packs with word of a couple of strong twins, heirs to the Cockcrow pack, that were rather dangerous. One being a looney, another being able to control the first one.

That took an obvious toll on our diplomatic relations with other packs, but we had been working hard to fix them: father and Max increased the diplomatic visits and bargained our commercial deals and me not getting out of our boundaries. Not showing up was already a big help.

I rolled my eyes thinking about my possible life-long inside-pack grounding. The life I had always wanted.

We reached my locker and Max let go of my hand to fix his attention on the opposite wall. I was about to input the code in the door, but I ended up peeking to the object of sudden attention. They had already started with the advertisements of the Halloween ball. I rolled my eyes, focusing again on the lock.

"Excited about it?" he jumped a little, surprised by my question, and I could not help but chuckle. "You know you don't have to go with me. You can invite any other girl you fancy." I checked around and saw next to every girl ogling at Max with longing eyes. "They sure are hoping for an opportunity to ask you out..."

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