17 Untimely Calls

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---- Untimely: (of an event or act) happening or done at an unsuitable time. ----

And they had a plan, that I did not doubt. What I doubted was the outcome. 

When we came back from the pizzeria, Alpha Neil and Max were talking in the pack house's living room. They stopped their conversation and offered us to sit in the sofas with them.

"Business is finished." Max stated, looking at Noah and me. We both nodded and he leaned into the comfortable couch. "We leave tomorrow after breakfast."

"Wait, what?!" Beta Harper's voice boomed over the living room, drawing the attention of every soul. "What about the bonding time between you guys?" She pointed her finger and moved it forth and backwards between Alpha Neil and me. "They have to stay at least one night more!"

Alpha Neil arched his eyebrow and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and his chin on his folded hands, giving Beta Harper all of his attention. The smiled spreading on his face gave off he knew his beta too well.

"Let's see Harps... What's cooking in that head of yours?"

It worked. I did not believe it myself, but somehow, they convinced father to let us stay a night more. He had indeed left ahead as he didn't like staying longer than necessary out of our pack.

I was staring back at my reflection still flabbergasted about the real meaning of this whole situation. It was the very first time in my life I was out of my pack without father's direct supervision. I was wearing a beautiful dress borrowed from the girl that was in that very moment braiding my hair. I was about to go to a party that same girl had put out in the last few hours. To celebrate Max's and my birthday. I was amazed.

She saw my face and giggled, grabbing my jaw and pushing it up to close my mouth.

"Riley, it's the 7th time I had to do that for you since I entered the room 15 minutes ago. Get over it already!"

I nodded, a little embarrassed, and leaned to put the mascara and finish my make-up.

"The mouth!!" I rolled my eyes to her complaint and she let out a small laugh. "I know, I know. I do that one too..."

I slapped her arm lightly and laughed with her. It was easy being with her and I could not help but think that I would very much like to call her friend sometime soon.

The day had went by in a rush and soon we were in a club filled with young wolves, drinks and deafening loud music. Obviously, there was flirting all around. All the boys, besides the marked Gamma Brendan, had been hovered by interested she-wolves from the moment we walked into the place. 

Maybe that was one of the reasons why Beta Harper had been glued to me from the beginning. Kaito had been trying to get her to dance with him, but to no avail. It hurt me to see the disappointment in his eyes. I suppose every mate has a limit on how much they can stand not touching their partner at all and Beta Harper was being pretty stubborn about it. 

Around ten in the evening I decided it was time to take a breather. I was trying to keep a normal pace of drinking in werewolf standards, but alcohol affected me way more than to them. Thank god I sneaked plenty of mocktails in between real ones.

I looked around to find Max dancing very close to a young red-haired beauty. I rolled my eyes and turned to the door, leaving the beast and its prey to continue their business. Which one was which was yet to be decided.

I strolled a bit around the entrance, enjoying the cold wind when I heard steps approaching me. I looked back to find a visit I did not expect.

"Alpha Neil." I bowed. This was literally the first time we spoke alone and I was not ready for it. I do not know why; I had just assumed he was not interested in me. "Everything OK?"

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