Chapter 10

622 17 13

The house above

Allyson's P.O.V

I drove through the gates, and parked in the massive driveway. I was simply amazed. "Wow!" was all I could manage to say! I stepped out of my car, and approached the porch. I then noticed a blonde haired woman, in a floral romper, sitting on the steps reading something. It looked like a magazine to me. She raised her head, and noticed me. She then instantly smiled, and stood up.

She held her hand out, "You must be the woman looking for a babysitting job!"

"Yes, and you must be the owner of this outstanding house!"

"Thank you! Would you like to come inside? Or talk outside?"

"We can talk out here for a bit, then we can go inside. If, that's okay with you?"


We sat on the steps talking about the job and her child. 

"Aww you're son sounds lovely!" I cooed.

"Haha he is!" 

*Buzz buzz*

"Sorry one second please."

I looked down at my phone and saw that I had two text messages:

2 text messages

Ashley: Where u at??? U haven't been 2 practice in ages :O

Camila: Ash wants me 2 ask u where u r and come plz she's driving me nuts >:( 

"I'm so sorry, but I have to leave."

"Oh no problem, are you able to start tomorrow?"

"Yeah, sure of course!"

"Great! See you then!"

"Perfect bye!"

I walked back to my car, and sat down inside.

Me: Ash I was talking to my future boss and I've only missed 1 day 

Ashley: 2 actually countin' today 

Me: Ash is annoyin' me haha i'm on my way 

Camila: OMGoodness thnxxxxxxx so much aahhh :D

I couldn't say I looked forward to going back...If anything, I was actually kinda scared. Who knows what they had in store for me?


Again sorry for the short chap! I'm feeling much better now! :) Sorry for the spelling mistakes and thank you for all the comments! Aaaah 1.7K reads 42 Votes and 27 Comments! Yay! Sooooo luv y'all see uz in a bit....


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