Chapter 5

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"Maybe we were a bit to hard on Kyle," Lannie said. "He hardly leaves his room anymore... ya think maybe we shouldn't have booted him?"

Roghellio shrugged.  He wasn't sure what the right thing to do was.

"Man, you ain't much for conversation, huh." Lannie leaned back against the wall and looked up at the ceiling. It was true. Roghellio couldn't remember the last time he'd spoken to anyone. It had been a long time ago.

Catra entered the room, looking irritated. "Where is Kyle?"

"Probably in his room, an' he probably ain't commin' out," Lannie said, still looking up at the ceiling. Roghellio nodded his agreement.

"He'd better. There's a huge puddle on the third floor, and he's got plenty of free time." Catra stalked off, muttering about leaks and free time.

"Is it just me, or has Catra been siriously on edge lately?" Lannie said.

Roghellio looked after Catra, watching her as she retreated down the hall. He'd been thinking the same thing as well.

"Maaaan... this team is just fallin' apart," Lannie said woefully, in a way that seemed over dramatic. "First Adora leaves, then Kyle gets booted, an' now  Catra mostly just does her own thing. Ya know, pretty soon it'll just be you and me."

That was an interesting thought. How much longer would their team last?


Roghellio was sitting on his cot, wondering where his life was taking him, when Kyle walked into the room, looking exceptionally grumpy. He glanced briefly at Roghellio, before flopping down onto the cot beneath him. Roghellio examined Kyle closely, trying to gauge his overall mood. He'd been acting extremely detatched ever since he'd been booted from the team. Roghellio often forgot how sensitive he was. Being kicked off the team had probably been a major blow to his self esteem. On the other hand, Catra was right. Kyle couldn't handle being out in the field. 

Kyle looked up. "What? What d'you want?"

Roghellio rolled over. He heard Kyle make a small noise. Then he coughed. Roghellio peaked back over the side of his cot. 

"I'm fine," he said. "Although, whatever got spilled back there wasn't water, that's for sure." He coughed again and rolled over.

Roghellio lay back on his cot and started up at the metal ceiling. He wasn't sure what he felt. There was so much going on, and so many things to sort out. What did he think?

"I'm sick of this place," Kyle said. "Sick of it."

At least he knew what he thought.

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