Chapter 10

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Bet none of you saw that coming huh? =^_^=


It's been six months since the events in egypt, Lilly and Imhotep travel back and forth, from egypt, china, and london. Imhotep wanted to learn english so bad that he spoke perfect english in three months, he picked up other languages pretty quick after that. They just come back from China and were relaxing, unknown to them a man stood at there door, nervously playing with his tie. He then rang the bell, as he waited he was about to turn around a leave when the door opened. He smiled but slowly disappeared as he saw the door open but no one at eye level, he then looked down as he heard someone clear their throat.

The little boys eyes widen as he said, "Your the Scorpion King!" the man smiled and nodded, "Yes but I go by Seth Maliq Senna here?" the boy rose a brow and called into the house, "Mom!" Seth eyes widen and his heart seemed to break as he thought the child was calling for Senna. Before he could turn and leave a woman came to the door that was not Senna, the woman's eyes widen and pushed her son behind her as she let Nerfertiti out speaking clear Ancient Egyption, "What are you doing here Scorpion King." the man's eyes widen but he continued to stand tall as he wanted to make a good impression to his future sister-in-law.

Seth spoke in clear english as he said, "I'm here looking for Senna." Evy rose a brow and nervously called back into the house, "Lilly! Can you come to the door!" Another voice called back to her, "Coming!" Seth smiled at the voice that called back. As Lilly came into view she asked her sister, "What did" She stared at Seth as he stared at her, before she said anything, Seth said, "Hello Senna, I mean Lilly, My name is Seth Maliq. We met a few months ago when I was the Scorpion King." Lilly nodded, "I remember." Seth smiled shyly at her and noticed the jewelry that was still on her arm, he smiled brightly, "You still wear the betroth jewelry." Lilly gently rub the jewelry with her right hand and said, "Imhotep told me what it meant but I kept it in memory of you. After you disappeared I kept it." Seth tilted his head confused.

Imhotep then came to the door and kissed Lilly on the lips, "Darling what's wrong?" (yes I know I pulled an Eddie Gluskin, don't judge me) Seth stood there wide eye and in rage. Who was this man to put his lips on his betrothed. Lilly saw the look on his eye and laid a hand on his arm, giving it a reassuring squeeze, "Seth, this is my husband and best friend, Imhotep. You remember him from Ahm Shere." Seth took calming deep breaths and nodded, "Yes." Imhotep pulled Lilly closer to him as Lilly rolled her eyes, "Please come in Seth and have a seat. We can talk more then." Seth nodded and walked into the home, keeping his temper in check.

Lilly walked them into the living room, both men sat down from across each other glaring at each other, once she was out of ear shot, Imhotep said, "Stay away from my wife." Seth scoffed, "She'll leave you for me, after all she promised to marry me in exchange for your and her brothers life." Imhotep clenched his teeth at that truth, "The only reason she was there was because I was blinded by lust! I will not lose her again." Seth, "You would not have lost her in the first place if you thought with your head instead with your dick." (okay I know I might have made them seem a bit out of character but work with me here) both were breathing heavily and glaring at each other with their pent up anger.

They then looked at a person as they clear their throat, Lilly sat there, her arms crossed over her chest and her legs crossed as well. All was silent between the three adults till she asked, "Are the both of you done with your yelling match?" both men looked away from her, blushing in embarrassment. Lilly smiled and uncrossed her arms, she began to serve tea, Seth then moved to help her, "Her Lilly let me do it." Imhotep walked to a cabinet and pulled out a small box of chocolates, "Would you like any sweets my dear, there your favorite." Lilly giggled at the both of them, making them freeze in place and smile.

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