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I can't breathe

My heart clenches

Why me? I think

My knees buckle beneath me

I can't look away

Tears started to flow.....

My heart breaks

This pain is unbearable

My eyes stayed locked on them

He broke me

I wanted to scream, kick, and punch

But I couldn't move....I was numb...

My eyes landed on their locked lips

My heart tore apart....

I felt bits and pieces be blown away......

I meant nothing to him

I couldn't breathe, my mind became hazy,

Am I dreaming?....

The tears are real....

I didn't bother to stop them.....

I was broken

My love broke me

I've became utterly useless

They pull away and his beautiful brown eyes land on me

Sorrow, remorse, regret, and guilt filled his eyes

Fresh tears leake down my face

I find the will to look away

That was his goal....

I thought remembering what he said to me last week

"I'm going to hurt you and i will break you!!"

I thought he was just mad at me......

I look at him again

She has disappeared

And so has my love for him

I slightly smile, as if to say I'm okay

He wanted me this way

I get up and turn away from him

Every step breaks my heart even more.....

I hear him call my name

But I continue to walk leaving behind a broken heart.

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