Dear Friend

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Dear friend,

I would like to tell you a story, if that's okay? it's about a girl. one that was lonely for sure, you can see it in her eyes as she walked in school and around the halls. she couldn't pay attention in class because her mind was filled with demons and harsh withering words that stormed all around in her head. she felt so hopeless and wronged that she ran away from everyone. she packed her bag weeks before but never really touching it. just her thoughts that drove her insane. she begins walking, she felt her demons ever so slowly leaving her. every step she took pushed her farther away for her demons. she felt free for once but she didn't very far before those red and blue light found her sleeping under a willow. they slapped chains on her and forced her to go back to her pain-filled, heartbreaking and harsh demons, whom were red with rage and anger for she had tried to be free from her cold, hurt life of poverty. sadly, this process repeated for her. every time she ran and was forced to return, her demons would beat her, leaving her with broken bones and gashing slices of wounds. she returns to school with these and no one asked her what happen because they don't care. no one does. she's left alone in this cold, cruel world where no one gives a damn about her. everyone she's ever interacted with hates her and beats her. she's very alone, she realizes one night while she packing again so she can take off...but this time to never return. she looks at her baby sister and whispers softly to her, " i love are my world, you are special in so many ways...i love you so much" she stares longingly at her sister, tears rushing to her eyes. " i'll see you again my sister. i love you so much" she bent over and kissed her. then she turned and jumped out her baby sister's window, fleeing into the night. she ran as hard as she could, not stopping, making her way to the willow. when she got there, she pulled out the rope she will use. she flung it over the huge thick branch and finally wrapped it around her neck and pulled.....that's the end of her one remember her but me..

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