Chapter 6

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The last person I wanted to see was Matthew, especially at Opulence. He sauntered in all arrogant, head held high and eyeing me to make sure I had seen him. God why can't he just stay the hell away from me? He was making his way around the crowd, chatting up every female in sight, even the married women. He had no shame and it was painfully pathetic to watch. By his pattern of movement, I knew he was slowly working his way towards me.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I had been too busy keeping an eye on Matthew to notice someone else approaching me. "Hey Rin!" I whirled around to see the other person I had been avoiding, Junhee. He tried to speak to me a few times the past couple weeks but I always brushed him off or ignored him. This guy is persistent.

"Oh, hello. Did you need something?"

His lips twisted into an awkward smile, looking down at his shoes instead of keeping eye contact with me. "I just wanted to see how you were. We haven't really had a chance to talk since that incident with Byeongkwan."

"Mhmm." I turned back around to look for Matthew, finding him already staring us down like a damn dog. He looked pissed that Junhee was talking to me, still working his way through the crowd and chatting people up, but I knew he would be making a beeline for us. "Shit."

"Uhh sorry?"

I turned back to look at Junhee, carefully eyeing him up and down. He was pretty well dressed for the evening, hair styled and if he actually gave a real smile he'd be more attractive. Maybe he could be useful. "I have a proposition for you. How would you feel about pretending to be my boyfriend for the evening?"

I swear his mouth fell open and his eyes doubled in size. He obviously wasn't expecting such a thing out of me but I didn't have time to wait for him to make a choice. I cleared my throat, trying to hurry him along. He stood there blankly for a minute before a little smirk spread across his face. "Are you avoiding Matthew? Things end already? He said you were happily in a relationship. Alright...only if you'll do something for me in return."

I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest and glaring back at him. "What do you want? I'm not sleeping with you."

"Whoa! Hey, no! I was going to say you owe me a date. A real one, like going out and doing something together... vertically."

"A date!? You'd have better luck getting into my bed!" I scoffed. The nerve of this guy. He barely knows me. I'm just asking him to stand there and look good and let me say he's my boyfriend. Why would he want to take me on a date?

"Take it or leave it. Your bull is approaching." He chuckled, nodding his head in Matthews direction. Sure enough, he was closing in, giving me a whole minute to decide. He handed me his phone, telling me to give him my number if I accepted his terms. God help me. I quickly put my number in this complete strangers phone, all to avoid my stupid 'ex.' Junhee was all too pleased with himself, swiftly wrapping his arm around my waist and spinning me around so we'd be facing Matthew. The most charming smile lit up his face while he waved at Matthew who looked like he was about to breathe fire.

"Junhee... what are you doing?" Matthew sneered, his eyes fixed on Junhee's hand on my hip.

"Good to see you Matthew. I'm just here visiting my beautiful girlfriend. Have you two met?" He was like a completely different person. Awkward and shy Junhee with the lame pick up lines was gone. The hell!? I couldn't help but look at him like he had suddenly turned into some wild beast right in front of me.

Matthew looked like he wanted to rip Junhee's head right off his shoulders. I just had to hope and pray that he wouldn't try to fight him. Junhee was by no means as muscular or thick as Matthew, who was a professional damn fighter. "Have we met? Do you not remember the conversation we had in your apartment!?"

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