The Clave Calls

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Jace is with Clary I think... When is he not! I mean we don't even know her! And now Jace and Izzy want to overpay some warlock for her memories! Like okay its imponerende because she MIGHT Know where the imortol cup is... but it shoudn't be our job, but the Claves!

"Alec get in here" my Mother yells from my fathers offiec. What have i now done? If it have anything to do with Clary I think I might ekplode!

when I walk in, I see im not the only one! Jace is here too, and Issy and Max even Clary and her mundane friend. It looks serious.

"Whats wrong"Jace asked, of course its Jace who ask first, it always is, but im glad that im not the only one who thinks something is wrong.

"The Clave just call us" my dad says "the Angels have given them a vision of the future, and a list of who have to see it. We don't know anymore. But we are on the list." he finish.

"So we have to go to Alicante?" i asked.
"No, because there is downworlders on the list" Mother says with here most disgust vocie.
"One of the downworlders will open a portal any minut now" just as my father said that a portal opens and we step into the portal.

I don't know where we are, but there is a lot of People in here! I see a few vampires, there are a little bit more werewolves. I think Clary hugs one of them? Dos she remember him? There are also a few seelies and warlocks, and thats... It most be him? Magnus Bane, I dont know why I recognize him? I mean... we have only seen his pictures, when we were planning how to get Clayrs memories back. 

SHIT! I have been lost ind my throughs while I looked at him! And now he looks at me to! He looks me ind the eyes and smiles... I think? Why dos he smile?

My parens starts to walk over to the Shadowhunters form the Clave. And my siblings and I walk with them. We don't want to be with the downworlders longer than is necessary! or Izzy does of course..!
Clary and the mundane stays with the werewoves? I dont really get why. But im happy I don't have to sit with them.

The inquisitor starts to talk about the messaget from the Angel, but i dont really lisen! I starts to get nervous, why is it imponerende that we are here? What imponerendens do we have in the future? It dosen't help that I can fell Jace nervousness through our parabatai Bond!

Finaly the big screen starts to light up, and everyone is silent.

characters watching shadowhunters Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang