Chapter 11

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When we got at the sign we waited about 2 minutes before people started to come. I gave them all hugs as Eddie finally showed up.

"Eddie!" I yelled and ran to give him a hug

"I missed you" he said in the hug

"I missed you too" I pulled apart

"Y/n I-" he started

"Guys, we have to go" Bill said

"Let's go get Beverly back" I said and got on my bike, starting to ride

When we got to the house we threw our bikes on the ground. 

 "Guys, spikes" Bill said

Eddie took off his fanny pack and threw it to the side

"Eds, don't you need that?" I asked

"Not anymore, turns out my pills are gazebos" he said

"Do you mean placebos?" I asked

He looked at me and shrugged his shoulders. I looked down and saw Eddie's cast. It said LOSER but a V over the S to read LOVER.

"I like your cast" I smiled at him

"Thanks" he said smiling back

Richie breaks a bottle and then looks at us. He throws the bottle to the side. I laughed, grabbed a spike and then followed everyone in the house. 

"Stan?" Eddie asked

I turned around and saw Stan there looking like he saw a ghost. 

"Stan, we all have to go, Beverly was right. If we split up like last time, The clown will kill us, one by one, but if we stick together, all of us... we'll win. I promise." Bill said

"Come one Stan, everything is gonna be ok" I smiled at him and grabbed his hand

We walked into the house and we went to the basement. Stan stood at the top of the stairs. Still holding his hand I said "Stan I promise you that you're gonna be ok. We'll protect you. We'll all protect each other." 

We walked down stairs and Richie said "Eddie, you got a quarter?"

"I wouldn't want to make a wish in that fucking thing." Eddie said. I nudged his side 

"Beverly! " Ben yelled down the well

"Ben she's probably all the way down there, she can't hear you" I said

"I'm just worried" he said

I let go of Stan's hand and I walked over to Ben. 

"I know you love her" I whispered "Don't worry, I'm rooting for you two" I smiled

He smiled back and said "Thank you Y/n. You're my best friend" 

"Woooaaahhh nooo. Y/n is my best friend. That was already established Benjamin" Richie said putting an arm around my shoulder

"Ok Richie whatever you say" Ben said

I laughed pushing Richie's hand off my shoulder and walking over to Eddie

"How are we supposed to get down there?" Stan asked

Bill found a rope and threw it down the well

"Alright who goes first?" Richie asked

I look down the well and then back at the boys. All their eyes were on me 

"Oh ok" I said throwing my hands up

"Lady's first" Richie smiled

"Yeah, fuck you too" I said and jumped up on the rope

I started to climb down and found a tunnel which I climbed into. I helped Bill in and then Stan and Eddie. Richie followed after and then Ben. All we needed was Mike.

Just then we heard Mike scream

"Mike!" Richie yelled

He screamed again

"Mike! Mike!" Bill yelled

"Mike!!" I yelled

"You okay, Mike?!" Ben yelled

We were all looking up and Bowers comes into view with blood all over him

"Bowers Fuck." Richie said

"Mike!" Eddie yelled up

Bowers took the rope and started to bring it up keeping us trapped down here

"No!" I yelled

"Grab it, get the rope." Richie and Eddie yelled

"Shit" Richie said

"Mike!" Stan yelled from behind us

"Leave him alone!" Ben yelled. I looked at Ben nervously

"You didn't listen to what I told ya did ya? You should've stayed out of Derry. Your parents didn't' and look what happened to them. I still get sad every time I pass that pile of ashes, sad, that I couldn't have done it myself." I heard Henry faintly say

"Run, Mike!" Eddie yelled

"Mike!" I yelled again

"I sh-sh-sh-should get up there." Bill stuttered 

"Are you insane? With what?" Eddie said as I held Bill back

"Holy shit!" Richie yelled

Just then Henry fell down the well

I scream 

"Mike!" we all yell 

"I'm okay. I'm okay." Mike said coming into view

I sigh and start breathing normally again. I look over and see Stan gone

"Guys? where's Stan?" I asked tapping Bill's hand

 "Stanley Stan!" I yelled

We went further into the tunnel and ran into the sewer

 "Oh shit, gray water." Eddie said

"Stan? Stanley! - Stan! Stanley! - Stanley! Stan!" We were all yelling as we were running through the sewers

We ran into a room and Eddie flashed his flashlight and we saw a creepy lady eating Stan's face

"What the fuck is that thing?" Richie asked nervously

The thing got off of Stan's face and then went into a tunnel. It came back out and it was the clown

"Oh shit!" Eddie yelled

"Stanley!" I said running to him

He sat up and "No!"

"It's okay." I said starting to cry

"You left me, you aren't my friends. You made me go, you made me go!" Stan said sobbing and I pulled him into a hug

"I'm sorry." Eddie said

"You made me go to Neibolt. This is your fault." Stan yelled 

"We would never let anything happen to you." Ben said

"We're here. You know I wouldn't do that. Come on." Richie said

Just then Eddie yells "Bill! Bill!"

"Come on guys!" I yelled and grabbed Stan's hand helping him up and ran after Bill

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