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"Momma, you think one day Ill be able to be like them?"

The 9 year old asked, looking at the TV screen intently as the singer belts the lyrics and the dancers bound around stage in sync. Since a young age, Ethan Nestor has loved music. He loved the freedom of singing or playing an instrument and the beautiful sound that came from one being played.

"Of course you will, You'll be the best singer of your generation and many to come."

She smiled warmly at the boy before ruffling his hair.

"Come on now, its time for bed."

"Aw can't I wait till this is over, Its already half way done."

He looks back at her pleadingly.

"Oh alright, just this once though, then its straight to bed."

She points at him firmly. He giggles happily.


She smiles softly, looking at her son and his excitement for the show he always asked to stay up a little bit later to see. To which she let him.

Her heart,

Her smile,

Her life.

Her everything.

Like any new unsuspecting mother, she had been on the fence about keeping the child.

Until she held him for the first time. The first time you hold your child, something inside changes. You would do anything to keep your baby safe.

If only everyone felt the same.

They both looked to the door as they heard a car door outside. Ethan quickly shut the TV off and ran to his mother.

"Quickly, in bed"

She rushed him down the hall to his room and he jumped in the bed, she swiftly pecked him on the forehead and walked out the room after switching the light off. Ethan lay there with his eyes closed, pretending to be asleep. He heard the front door open, shortly after voices. He heard the usual stomps down the hall to his room. 

"That kid better be in bed!"

His door opened quickly, and a few seconds later, loudly closed. He let the breath he was holding in, free. He and his mom always got in trouble if he wasn't in bed before he got home. The reason why, Ethan didn't know. He flinched as he heard something break and raised voices. He squinted his eyes tightly closed and covered his ears, desperately trying to block out the argument.

One day things will get better and he will help his mom from this horrible place.

One day.


I'm not gonna add author's notes to all these, just a short one to credit meh editor, check out my profile or other stories. For more information on my editor, check out my description thing in my profile. physcogirl23

And this story has no connection to the song, I just looked up Rose's Thorn on YouTube and found that so added it, first time I heard it too xD Its good though, sounds nice.


Rose's Thorn~ Tythan AUWhere stories live. Discover now