Chapter }1{ Charges?

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Ethan stared blankly at the ground, only to look up as the door opened to the room across the hall from the waiting chairs where he currently sat. His manager, William, walked over to him and soon after a police officer led a man out.
The  man was quick to spot him and glare, sending some inaudible insults his way before being led somewhere farther in the building. William sighed and looked to Ethan, handing him some papers on a clip board.

"Fill these out"

He simply stated. Ethan took the papers, silently starting to scribble down the information requested.

"So....what happened in there?"

He looked at him questionably as he handed him the papers. William took them and shook his head.

"The guy, soon identified as Chance Keltin. He all but boasted about being the one to vandalized your car then attack you. Sorry bastard."

He simply nodded as he stood. William went to talk to an officer to give the papers too. The officer asked if he would like to press charges, and to the officers surprise, Ethan declined.Though he would still be charged with Misdemeanor Vandalism and Assault with violent intent.
They walked out to Williams vehicle and got in before silently pulling onto the highway. Ethan let his thoughts wander to the earlier events of the day.

He had been heading out of his home to pick up some items from the store, only to be greeted with two guys scratching and banging his car up with what looked like bricks. He had simply walked out to calmly stop the guys, he could have just gotten the car repaired, though it would be costly. While one took off, It got dangerous when the bigger one turned and started coming at him with the brick.

The assailant only managed to hit him bluntly on the shoulder with the rock though. Doesn't mean it wont leave a bruise that will hurt like a bitch tomorrow though. Some passing people had stopped to butt into the situation and help before calling the police. He got pulled from his thoughts when William spoke up.

"So, that moving plan doesn't seem half bad now, huh?"

He was clearly trying to lighten the mood, even though Ethan was generally a very happy and friendly person. He laughed softly at the comment.

"yea guess not, I already have most of my stuff packed away in boxes and such. Good thing it was already decided right before someone found out where I lived."

"Yea I agree with you on that"

William stated grimly. Ethan turned to see what changed his demeanor, and looked to where William was looking. They had arrived at his house, and accompanying the already dented and scarred frame on his car, the windows were busted and tires flattened.

They even attempted to rip up some small plants that were growing neatly in front of the porch, but probably got paranoid and ditched after practically murdering the innocent vehicle. Ethan sighed as William parked.

"Hey man, you sure you wanna stay here tonight? It doesn't seem all that safe, especially after seeing someone came back to finish the job on your car."

He looked at the younger male, concern laced in his voice. Ethan simply gave a reassuring smile and shook his head.

"No, I think it'll be fine Will, Its only for tonight anyways. No need to go through a whole ordeal for one night."

He closed the door as Will nodded. Will backed out as Ethan headed inside to finish packing the last few remains of belongings into their prison of boxes.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

This is fucking terrifying.

He is curled up in his blanket, in the dark, and cant sleep.

Even though he said it would be fine, its a bit scary knowing something like that happened and someone that would do that knows where you live. He had even taken extra measures to make sure the front and back door were locked, and every single window.

He isn't about to be like those idiots on horror movies and start asking if anyone was there. Its not like the person is gonna be like "yea I'm in the kitchen, wanna sandwich?". Not exactly planning to die today. Ethan looked over at the clock on the bedside table.

Quarter till midnight. He sighed and decided it would be best if he atcually tried to get some sleep instead of looking like a zombie on his flight tomorrow. Thoughts of what its gonna be like when he arrives tomorrow flood into his thoughts, soon going to his next concert coming up in a week.

  The next few weeks are really going to be busy. It'll be exciting though.

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