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Chapter Two.

As we step inside, I heard Kyda gasp, I took a deep breath not noticing I was holding my breath, I walked inside behind them gasping as well, the house was built beautifully, yeah sure, It was almost 18 years old but other than that; the window were beautifully sequenced, the moon was shining through the window making us able to see the dark room.

“Holy” Gill whispered “Shit” Bob finished his word for him, I nodded agreeing with them, holy shit indeed, we all started walking around exploring the house, I kept close to Kyda as she held onto Gabe’s sleeve, I chuckled silently shaking my head.

“Hold on” Gabe spoke, I heard him rustle through us slowly “The lights aren’t working” He sighed turning the switch on and off but nothing came on “The fuse box must be fucked” He explained.

“Not it!” I yelled out.

“Not It!”

Not it!”

Not it!” Bob and Gill spoke in unison, Kyda and Tony groaned in frustration, they were too late to speak.

“You’re all pussies” Tony spat, he started walking without waiting for Kyda, she skipped towards him her brown locks swinging with her “I’ll be back!” Tony screamed.

“That’s what they usually say” Gill whispered, we all stared at him “Before they die!” He yelled grabbing a hold of Izzy, she giggled as she tried to push him away, I looked at Gabe placing my finger on my tongue and making a gagging sound.

“You’re just jealous” Bob laughed, I pushed him making my way towards a chair, I sighed as I placed my legs on the table; Gabe grabbed his phone out turning his flashlight on.


“I spy, with my little eye, something beginning with G” Gill spoke, I rolled my eyes; Gabe was the answer, I didn’t bother to play along with them, it was pointless.

“Where the hell are they?” Gabe asked, I felt him stand up next to me, just then the light turned it, we all cheered with happiness “Finally, they must be coming” He whispered taking another seat, I groaned in a pain a little as my eyes settled with the light room.

The door slowly opened, we all stood up as Kyda appeared, she was covered in blood, I slowly stood up “Tony’s dead” She whispered, I walked towards her “He’s dead! It killed him!” She yelled, she fell to the floor grabbing a hold of her legs rocking back and forth.

“What killed him?” Gabe yelled, She looked up at us before laughing, I shook her quickly before slapping “What the hell is going on?” Gabe asked, his voice shook us all.

“You” Tony came out of a small room, he was holding his stomach lauhing “Should’ve seen your faces” He stopped laughing trying to pull one of our faces, Kyda stood up laughing with him, I pushed her walking away.

“Fuckers!” I shouted, Kyda grabbed me kissing my head, I pushed her away wiping my wet fore head “Alright, let’s go exploring” I suggested, they all nodded as Tony saluted.

I felt someone’s breath on my neck, I slowly turned my head, no one was behind me, I raised an eyebrow as I carried on walking, I yawned loudly “Tired are you?” I heard Lockie’s voice, I nodded smiling at him.

“Maybe we should stop, you know” Kyda shrugged, she yawned a little “What time is it?” She asked, I got out my phone; 2:59am, we’ve been here for four hours?

We heard a childlike laugh, the speed we all turned our necks I’m surprised we didn’t break it, I slowly looked at Gabe as he nodded moving towards the door; Gill, Bob and Tony followed behind him.

“Holy shit!” He yelled as they went inside, Kyda, Izzy and I shared weird faces as we heard another gasp “Come and see this guys!” Tony yelled for us, we all went inside; the whole room was filled with toys, but not any today; It looked like chucky’s whole family came for dinner.

I looked at one toy, moving closer to its face, I smiled a little before it’s eyes moved turning a shade of green, I fell back into Tony “That...fucking doll, it’s eyes, they fucking moved” I yelled pointing at it, Tony pushed past me examining the doll.

“Nothing’s wrong with it” We heard another childlike laugh behind us, I slowly turned around coming face to face with a clown, It had three bits of her but, the thing that scared me was it had a no jaw, no jaw; It waved at us before moving closer, we all stepped backwards bumping into each other; It grabbed a hold of Izzy by the hair pulling it, I heard Gill yell as he tried grabbing her waist.

“DON’T LET GO!” Gill yelled, I grabbed her by her arm as the others tried to pull her, she screamed in pain.

“NO FUCKING SHIT!” She yelled, I saw tears form in her eyes as they started streaming down one by one, the clown roared at us, we all fell back to the floor by force, I heard Izzy scream in pain as she was dragged away; before I even got up Gill was running towards her screaming for, I got up and chased him.

“Where did she go?” Bob yelled, we all ran down a long corridor following the sound of Gill’s screaming, we all ran inside this room, Gill was on the floor; he was on the floor his whole body shaking, we all started crying.


I don’t know how long we cried, but I know Gil still hasn’t stopped “I want to go home now!” Kyda spoke breaking the silence, we all nodded standing up, I put my arm around Gill’s waist pulling him into a hug, he didn’t hug me back, I let go of him following Kyda, we all made our way to the front door.

“It’s not opening” Tony spoke for the first time since Izzy got taken, he pulled at the handle “It’s not letting us out!” He yelled tugging at the door, Gabe pushed past him grabbing a hold of the knob, he pulled hard, it still didn’t work; I watched as all boys pulled at it, Gill sighed pushing past them, he grabbed a hold of the knob like they did and tugged so hard, I’m surprised his arm didn’t break off; I watched as he tugged it again, the knob fell off the handle pushing him down too.

“We’re stuck here?” Kyda whispered, she quickly got her phone out, we all did the same except for Tony, he never liked electronics.

“No signal”

“Same here


“Fuck” Gill whispered, his eyes were still puffy but the tears finally stopped “We’re stuck here, with a weird fucking clown” He whispered the last bit “That killed my girlfriend”

“We’ll get outta here!” I spoke “There has to be a way out” I broke into a run, they all followed me, I opened the door into a massive living room; I went through a curtain “I was right!” I yelled in excitement.

“Izzy?” I heard Kyda whisper, we all turned around, I covered my mouth, my stomach turning; Izzy was lying on the floor, both her arms and legs were decapitated, her eyelids were gone, I heard Gill scream as he ran towards her, he grabbed a hold of her body crying; I fell to the floor shaking back and forth as tears started forming in my eyes; I heard Gabe yell grabbing a chair near him, he grabbed it pushing his body back and slamming into the window , It didn’t break; I cried even louder as the screams of Gill filled the room.

“We’re not going to die in here” Gabe yelled, I looked up at him as the sweat glistened on his forehead, I looked to the corner of the room as another childlike sound came from it.

“Yes you will” It’s scary voice erupted, I watched as his head turning in an 180 degrees, I heard Kyda scream as It started laughing, Gabe grabbed her pulling her to him as a massive wind came into the room throwing us all over the room; I heard Bill yell as he was getting dragged away. 

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