Laurence's POV

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I sat alone in the dark dungeon, cold, putrid water dripping onto my head and running down my fringe. Not that I cared anymore. It'd been doing it for three day, no matter where I sat. I pulled my long black cloak closer to my cold body, grateful the town guards let me keep it when they snatched me away from my house.
Oh how I miss being home. I hope they didn't hurt my poor kitty. He may be a feisty little one, but he's my only friend in the world.
I lifted my right index finger and with a sharp hiss, a small flame grew from the tip of my pointed, dark purple, almost two inch long nail. It wasn't much light, but I didn't care. Fire always terrified me anyway.
I began to feel rather sick again. But that didn't bother me either. Not like my skin could get much paler or greener.

I should probably explain. I'm a witch. We'll get to that later though.

I blew the flame out, not wanting to waste what little power I had left.  For you see, my power comes from moon light. But seeing as though there's no windows down here, my powers are weak.
As am I. Being stuck down here for so long and all.
I don't even know why I'm down here. I've done nothing wrong. I always keep myself to myself, as far away from the town as possible.

Unless someone sold me out...

                                                               -3 DAYS EARLIER-

I hummed happily as I sprinkled some herbs into the bubbling cauldron. I was cooking up a cold medicine for Drew whilst he napped on the sofa.
"Oi, get your shoes off the sofa!" I called to him, shaking my head "And don't sleep in your waistcoat, you'll crumple it!"
Drew sat up slowly, running his hand through his messy blonde hair. "Eh, leave me alone..." He sniffled with a smile before taking his dirty shoes and waistcoat off. "Is it nearly done? I feel like--" Sneeze "... death"
"Yeah, yeah. Just wait for it to cool a second." I replied, taking a ladle off the wall behind me and spooning up some of the hot liquid, pouring it into a tea cup as I walked over to him. Drew smiled gratefully as I placed the steaming cup onto the old cherry wood table.
"Be careful, it's really hot and tastes disgusting."
"Thanks." Drew mumbled, wrinkling up his nose.
I turned back around to hang some deadly nightshade on the rafter when I heard a harsh yelp.
"It's hot! I burnt my tongue!"
"Well, yeah. I did warn you!" I laughed. Boy had the attention span of a bloody fly!

The laughter was interrupted by a loud banging on the door, causing Drew to jump out of his skin. He put the cup back down and stood up, eyes wide and staring at me as the banging continued.
I shrugged back at him. Who on Earth would that be?
Suddenly, the door came flying off it's hinges.
"Drew! Hide!" I yelled as 10 guards came storming in. Drew ran and ducked behind the sofa and the guards began to ransack the place.
"What are you doing?!" I screamed as they tore up my potion and spell books.
"Gathering evidence." One of the guards snarled at me, stuffing several pages into his pockets.
Where the fuck is Drew? I thought as they flipped the couch over. A hissing and meowing caught my attention as the cat bit a guard on the leg. I quickly picked him up and put him in the bedroom, shutting the door behind me.
"We're done here, men." The guard continued. "Laurence Beveridge, I am arresting you on suspicion of witchcraft."


I pulled the oversized hood on my cloak over my head and began to chant. A swift exit was needed here. But before I could finish, they grabbed my arms and held the back whilst one of them stuffed something into my mouth.

Actaea pachypoda. (Note: Also known as "doll eyes", this is a highly poisonous, round, white berry with a black spot in the middle. -- A Watchful Friend)


As the berries slid down my throat, my vision began to blur and blood trickled from my nose. The next thing I knew, I was on the floor...

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