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Authors p.o.v
None proofread!!

Everyone was packing there things. Pack members rushing around to grab everything that belonged to them. Yoongi was no different. He had to move from his old room to jimins room multiple times since half his clothes was in there.

The omega had a lot of bags filled with stuffies he had to bring, and his clothes of course. Jimin only had a couple bags since yoongi High jacked most of his hoodies and stuff.

"Are you done" jimin, who was laying in his bed while on his phone, asked without looking away from said phone. "Yes. Can you help me" yoongi asked. Jimin got up and grabbed most of Yoongis things while yoongi grabbed the rest. The shoved it in the back of jimins car along with jimins things. "Okay everybody!! Let's roll out" jimin shouts. People started coming out of the house in waves, jimin and yoongi counting everyone until they knew they had everyone, then locked up the house. Jimin made sure everyone's had the hideaways location in the gps just incase they had to go off road for many pit stops or what not.

Finally, everyone was gone. Yoongi got in the car, sighing as he pulled on his seat belt. "Ready" jimin asked as he put the car in drive. Yoongi looked at him with a small smile. "Yeah" he says.

Jimin chuckled, being the last person to leave the drive way. "Aren't you suppose to be in front of the pack" yoongi asked. "The head alpha always suppose to hang back to make sure no one is falling us. Namjoon always in front to lead everyone where to go. Taehyung stays in the middle so that the others who are father behind could still no where to go" "even with the gps?" "Yeah. Sometimes the gps starts glitching so we have to be careful" yoongi smiles brightly. This pack was awesome!!


After a couple hours on the road, yoongi had got hungry and jimin promised him snacks at the next exit. "Grab what you want and something for me to. I'm going to fill up the tank" jimin said once they got out the car.

He circled around, grabbing his omegas hand when he smelled other alphas around, pulling yoongi closer to him. "Be careful in here please. To many bitches" he growled lowly in Yoongis ear. Yoongi nodded. "I will" jimin handed the omega $50 before getting in line.

Yoongi started to pick up things he'd want to eat now or later, also grabbing a few drinks. He reached for a cherry coke just as someone else was. He glanced up, nearly dropping everything.

He stepped back. "Y-Yoongi" the feminine voice called. Yoongi shook his head, going to turn around only to be met with another person standing in front of him. The omega whimpered, not wanting to face them at all.

"Son" the manly voice called. "Move. Dad" yoongi tried to sound stern, but he only sounded broken. "W-We know your mad at us son but you have to listen" his 'mother' says, reaching for him. "No!! Leave me alone!!" "Yoongi don't yell at your mother" yoongi glared at his 'father'. "This bitch isn't my mother" she gasped. "Yoongi—" "how could you let him think that I hurt you? After all this time?! And after I came to clear things up you up and lift? What kind of parents are you" yoongi cried. "I didn't know yoonie" the omega angrily whipped away his tears. "Just please leave me alone—" "no!! No we want you to come with us. Where have you been staying al this time? How have you been eating? Are you stealing this" "leave me alone" yoongi screams.

He was pulled into someone's chest, sobbing immediately. "What's going on here" jimins alpha voice came out, intimidating the couple.
"Who are you" yoongi father asked. "I'm Yoongis boyfriend—" "we are his parents. We have heard nothing about you" his mother scoffed. "Well I heard a lot about you and I don't like the things I'm hearing" "we are just trying to apologize to him. We made a mistake—" "I don't want to hear it" yoongi says weakly. "Your my parents!! When I go through something your suppose to help me go through it!! You abandoned me at my lowest!! It was no mistake!!—" "you have to believe us" yoongi ignored them, looking up at his alpha with a frown. "Can you pay for my snacks please" he pouted.

"Of course baby. Your coming with me though" yoongi allowed himself to be dragged away to the front of the store where they bought there things. "Yoonie please" his mother cried. Yoongis heart broke a little. He never wanted to make his mother cry. But she didn't stop this madness in time. She gutted him more then his father did.

"It was a mistake please baby. I'm so so so sorry please don't leave us. Please come home—" "You throwing me out was the best mistake you've ever made" Yoongis mother watched as her only child walked out of the store, hand in hand with someone she'd never be able to meet. It was the hardest thing to do.

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