Dreaded Phone Call

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A savage scream escaped my mouth as the inhuman monster came running towards me. I try to run but its too fast. I'm knocked down as I try to limp away but It's no use. I look at the ugly monster, drool coming out of its mouth.

"CUT!" I hear the director yell.

My fellow coworker helps me up from the ground as my makeup artist does touch-ups. The director walks over to me.

"How did I do?" I ask him terrified of his answer.

"Amazing, as always," He smiled.

A rush of relief washes over me. My assistant starts running over to me avoiding the other actors.

"I have a call waiting for you." She tells me.

"From who?" I ask wondering who would call this late.

She lifts up her clipboard reading what she had written.

"He said his name was...Mike Hanlon from Derry, Maine." She states.

My heart drops. The sudden buzz from my assistants' pocket caught me off guard. She quickly grabs it.

"Oh, it's him again, would you like me to answer?" She asks patiently waiting for a response.

"Yeah, I'll be outside." I grab the phone and walk quickly outside.

As I open the heavy door a blast of fresh air fills my lungs. My hand trembles as I slowly answer the phone, putting it up to my ear.

"Elizabeth?" I hear the raspy voice ask.

"This is she," I reply trying to keep my calm.

"Elizabeth, It's me It's Mike. It's back, Beth. Everything that happened twenty-seven years ago is all back. You need to come back, too." Mike tells me.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Mike. If I did I can't just hop on a plane and leave, I have work, and Bill--" I start but am shortly interrupted.

"Elizabeth, You made a promise, you have to honor that," Mike says.

"I'm sorry, Mike, I don't even remember," I state.

"Have you ever wondered why you can't remember the thing most people should? About where they're from, about who they are. Why you have that scar on your hand." Mike says.

I glimpse down at my hand seeing the white scar tissue. Bill has an almost identical one. 

"You have to come back, I'll call Bill too," Mike explains.

"O-o-okay." I stutter something I though I stopped at the age of 14.

I quickly hang up the phone sliding it into my back pocket. I take a deep breath before entering set. I pass by my coworker and go straight to the director.

"Hey, Bobby, I'll be out of town for a few days...Family emergency." I tell him.

His eyes go wide.

"How long? Elizabeth, we can't film without you." He tells me.

"I won't be long, I promise." I ensure him.

"I swear, Elizabeth, one day," He says walking away from me.


I get home as quickly as I can. I rummage through my bag looking for my keys. Suddenly, Bill opens the door. A worried expression on his face. 

"We need to go..." He tells me handing me a bag full of my clothes.

I simply nod not knowing what else to do. My palms sweaty and throat dry we rush to the car. Not bothering to tell the maids or our assistants where we are adventuring. 


And that's it sorry for another short chapter, I promise the next one will be longer. 

Aftermath (2) ♥ 𝕭𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝕯𝖊𝖓𝖇𝖗𝖔𝖚𝖌𝖍 ♥Where stories live. Discover now