Sound for Soundless

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(A/N: sorry for the late update; exam was on going last week. this Idea was inspired by my studies about law. Where there is this Reform act for those who don't have any lands. Thanks prof.! )

Izuku's POV

A new day has come and a new show will be shown at the auditorium again. Izuku went to the auditorium and upon arrival he saw all of his fellow classmates, schoolmates and teachers already at their seats covered in blankets, each with their own foods on reachable sites. As Izuku slowly walk to Mei and her machine, he also saw many people that aren't present yesterday appeared today.

" Hey!  Mei could I ask a request?  Could you find a universe that isn't too... Uhm... Bloody? " she just nodded and gives an OK sign at me. I went to the chair and drank the meds recovery girl gave. And sleep take over me.

No one's POV

" OK everyone let's start. " Mei announced and then started to input codes on her laptop.

Searching for a Multiverse .........

Searching .....................

Search complete .....................

Loading the Multiverse ...............

Loading 1% .................................

Loading 59% .................................

Loading 70% .................................

Loading 78% .................................

Loading 98%.................................

Loading 100%..............................

Synthesizing 5% ........................

Synthesizing 45% .....................

Synthesizing 79% .....................

Synthesizing 93% ....................

Synthesizing complete ..........

Projecting multiverse .............

Multiverse version name: Sound for the soundless

On the screen is showing two small kids walking at the forest. One of the kids is Izuku who is carrying two empty ice box and the other kid is a young Katsuki who is carrying the fishing poles and nets.

" Heh~ that's the forest near the park where we always play at. " Katsuki commented, a nostalgic feeling wash over him for a second.

" Hey.  BakuBro you OK? "

" of course I am, shitty hair. "  he said irritatedly but kept his voice low. When Katsuki look back at the screen he saw that they are currently at the river.

Katsuki and Izuku are sitting on a log above the river trying to catch fish. The two are chatting up a storm about Hero's as they fish but they stop talking when they heared noises coming from the bushes near by. Both of them quitely stand up and walk to the other side of the log to get away from the noise. As Katsuki settled on the otherside and tried to help his friend to get near him, a villian came out of nowhere.

When the villian saw them he froze for a second and got an idea to take one of the kids as a hostage. He grab the nearest kid which was Izuku, as the Hero's arrived and saw that the villian is currently holding the kid by his arm above the raging river. Ereaserhead went to Katsuki and take him away from the villian, while midnight distract him. As midnight distract him this gives Present Mic the chance to take the child but not every plan will be a success. The villian notice the change that's why he trow the child in the water and tried to escape. This time Ereaserhead take him down, as Present Mic save the Izuku.

Izuku was then rushed to the hospital because he fell unconscious. The scene change where it shows Izuku being check out by the nurse. The result of the accident was he couldn't speak no more. Or that what everyone thought.

" Eh?!  What happened to his voice? " Mic ask

" maybe his too traumatized to talk. " midnight replied.

As the class fell on a whispering discussion about Izuku's voice the scene on the screen show's different.

Izuku is seem to talk silently to others but no sound could be heared. Up until his fifth birthday during his birthday his mom was preparing food with Mr and Mrs. Bakugo while the kids are playing outside, when an explosion was heard. The parents run outside to check upon the kids and was met with them being fine but the tree nearby had fallen.

" Mom!  Mom!  I got my quirk!" Izuku was speaking but katsuki's voice was being heared. Izu then held katsuki's hand a faint glow could be seen. Katsuki then can talk. Katsuki then told the parents what happened before they arrive.

" simce like little Izuku has a sound related quirk. You know there is a Hero that has quirk that's related to his voice. " Mr.  Bakugo then said.

This caused Izu eyes to lit up and then started to jump around. He then started to sign language to his mom saying that they should go  to the Doctor tomorrow.

" this is exciting! There is another voice Hero in the making! "  Mic said or shouted in the crowd.

" yeah.  But luckily his not as loud as you. " Aizawa muttered causing his friend to make a face at him. Everyone laugh at this.

Time skip

Currently Izuku and the rest of the class are training for the provisional license exam.

Apparently Izuku could not only borrow the voices of others, he could also borrow that person's quirk or that being's ability. It seems like it Izuku's could also be used on other living creatures that has voices/noise being produce.
Which leads to Izuku's body that can easily adopt to any type of quirks thats being used.

" so its like fucking monama's shitty quirk with a mix of mic sensei's quirk bit. " yelled commented Bakugo which agreed by others except monama.

The is changed in which its shown the class is currently at USJ during an attack. Aizawa sensei is currently being pinned by the Nomu while tsu, izuku and mineta tried to hide their presence from villians but unfortunatly they are found.

Then Tomura reached for tsu but was intercepted by violet sticky balls. Izuku borrowed minetas quirk and ,throw lots of balls till Tomura's body was full of balls. From his neck up to his wrisk thats why he cant move or reach anything or anyone. He force himself to look at midoriya and mineta but was restricted.

Then the scene change where everyone is at class where mummy aizawa sensei is at front discussing about the up coming Sports fest.

" Hey! Why didn't it finish the USJ scene?!"  Kaminari complained.

" i didn't expect my hair to be super curly, when its normal. Huh? " mineta off handedly commented.

" and i did expect it to be like steel wool. hahahaha!!!" kaminari interjected.

Then suddenly an explosion occur the power thats supplying the machine short circuited. Cause smoke making Hatsume forcefully wake up Midoriya.

" well thats a bummer. Tomorow,  will continue  tomorow. Let me fix it first and then will continue our show." Hatsumei said and nezu agreed. And everyone went back to class till tomorrow.

 And everyone went back to class till tomorrow

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