Liang ~ Opposites Attract

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Genre: Fluff, Friendship 

Word Count: 676 

Pairing: Reader x Liang 

World: Anime, Nanbaka 

A large arm fell across your shoulders, making you drop the manga you had been reading. Rock grinned at you. "Wanna come to building 5 with me?"

"Mmm, as tempting as that sounds, no."

"Come on! Why not?"

"I don't exercise. You know that."

Rock frowned and began poking your cheek. "Liang will be there."

You paused, eyes lingering on the bloody face of the manga character. After a moment of internal debate, you finally sighed in defeat. "Fine, but I refuse to run."

He grabbed your wrist and pulled you to your feet, practically dragging you all the way to building 5. Yamato followed behind, laughing every time you tried to get him to control his inmate.

The first thing that hit you when you reached building 5's courtyard was the bright sun beaming down on the Earth and the waves of heat that made you instantly turn around and run – only to run straight into Yamato's chest.

He patted your shoulder heavily, nearly knocking you off your feet. "Don't worry, number 8, a little sun won't hurt!"

You scoffed, already feeling the regret boiling up in your stomach but there was nothing you could do now. You were stuck there until Yamato decided it was time to head back. With a sigh, you headed over to the bench where Qi was lying and plopped down in front of his legs.

This wasn't the first time you had been forced or bribed into joining Rock's training time and so you had gotten quite close to Qi, who also hated physical activity, but was usually forced to come along with Upa and Liang.

"Here to see Liang again?" The older man questioned with a grin.

You didn't answer, choosing instead to watch the others train. You knew you didn't stand a chance with Liang; you were complete opposites, after all. While he was motivated and constantly training to get stronger, you were lazy and had no motivation at all.

You preferred the simple life.

Liang had a clear goal that he strived for. You did not. You were just along for the ride with your friends.

You groaned in annoyance, throwing your head back to stare at the roof covering the area you sat in. Of all people, you just had to fall for that one, didn't you?

Qi kicked you lightly in the back. "Opposites attract, you know?"

"Isn't that only in anime?"

"No, idiot." He sat up enough to hit you on the head with his magazine. "Opposites attract because it would be weird to date someone just like you. It'd be like dating yourself. Would you want to date yourself?"

"The hell kind of question is that?" You punch his leg, making him wince.

The hair on the back of your neck stood up and you felt that strange sensation of being watched. When you looked over, you found Liang watching you. When your eyes met his, he quickly turned back to Rock. Even from that distance, you could clearly make out the light dusting of pink that fell on his pale cheeks. Rock sent you a thumbs up and a grin before returning to his run with Liang at his side.

You hummed, unable to stop the smile that slipped onto your lips. "Maybe you're onto something, old man."

"I'm only a couple years older than you!"

For the rest of the training period, you'd catch Liang glancing at you, only to quickly turn away when he realized he had been caught. It made your heart flutter and you decided then and there that maybe training with Rock wasn't so bad after all.

"Number 71! Number 8! Get off your ass and start running!" Samon's yell made both of you jump and when you saw his angry expression, both of you hopped off the bench and started around the courtyard in fear of the monkey's wrath.

Neither of you ran, though, but Samon still considered it an achievement that he was able to make two lazy prisoners walk, at the very least.

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