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If you haven't read the Prologue then go read it or else this won't make sense :)


“Be a good boy for Daddy today, yeah?”

“I’m always good for Daddy, Li!” Zayn giggled, wrapping his small arms around his oldest brother’s waist, and squeezing him tight.

“I know you are baby,” Liam wrapped his much larger arms around his little brothers shoulders and kissed the top of his head, “but I’m going to need you to be extra good today, okay? He’s going to be very busy with his work and Papa’s not going to be here to watch you, so you have to behave and make it easier on Daddy.” He continued to speak sternly, so Zayn knew that he was being completely serious with him. He knows Zayn hates when he gets in his ‘serious’ tone because then he feels he has done something wrong, and trust him when he says a sad Zayn is a sad everyone. However, Liam knows that Papa has some business with his pack, seeing as he is the Alpha, so he won’t be here at home to look after Zayn. This obviously means Dad’s the only one to watch over Zayn and it’s going to be hard when he also has a meeting with his vampire clan at the house.

“Okay, Li! I’ll behave extra good!” The raven-haired boy smiled up at his eldest brother, still having a tight grip around his waist.

Liam chuckled and gave him a squeeze before turning to the long set of stairs to his left, “Niall, let’s go! We can’t be late again!” He yelled through the large house, trying to get his other younger brother’s attention.

“Alright, alright! I’m coming, keep your fangs in.” The blonde grumbled playfully, coming down the stairs with his still damp hair.

“Ni Ni!” Zayn squealed, letting go of Liam and sprinting over to Niall.

“Zayn…” Niall said questioningly. “What have we told you about running in this house?”

Zayn pouted and looked up at his second oldest brother, “Not to…B-But I was excited to see you!”

Niall chuckled and kneeled down to get to Zayn’s level, seeing as he is a lot shorter than other teens his age, “Babe, I’m the one who woke you up this morning. We saw each other like 20 minutes ago.”

Zayn didn’t reply back, he just rewrapped his frail arms around Niall shoulders.

Liam watched them stay like that for a while until he checked his watch and realized that they are in fact going to be late. “Okay I’m sorry to ruin your hug, but Ni, we really have to go if we don’t want to be later than we already are.”

The blue-eyed teen nodded his head and gave Zayn one last final squeeze, then retreated to the kitchen to get his knapsack.

Zayn pouted and walked over to Liam, “Oh Zee, don’t give me that look. You know we have to go to school today, right bud?”

“Yeah…but I wanna go with you.”

The eighteen-year-old (Liam) sighed sadly and hugged his baby brother again. He always hates when Zayn brings up the fact that he doesn’t go to a public school. Yes, he’s homeschooled but only for his own protection. The young boy won’t understand yet, he’s only fifteen and he doesn’t know the real world of vampire’s and werewolves. Sure he get’s that his Dad and Liam are vampires and Papa and Niall are werewolves, but he won’t understand who he himself is.

“I know you do,” Liam rested his head on top of the smaller lad, inhaling his sweet scent, “but hey! Maybe if you’re a good boy like I told you, Ni and I will take you out for some ice cream after school.”

His wolf ears immediately perked up and he pulled away from the taller boys embrace so he could make eye contact, “Really!? We get to go to town!?”

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