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A/N: Sorry for any mistakes! I havent proof read yet :(


It was later that night when the Styles’ family was all seated at the dinning room table eating the lovely meal Harry cooked with the assistance of Niall. Zayn always wanted to learn how to cook, but his parents and brothers never wanted him close to the stove or fire, so he settled by just sitting by the counter top and watching in awe.

It was fairly quiet, everyone silently waiting for Niall to finish cutting through Zayn’s steak so they could start eating. The brown-eyed boy was still half asleep after having been awoken from his peaceful nap only fifteen minutes ago. His father, telling him supper was ready, had only just waked Zayn a half an hour ago.

“So boys, how was school?” Louis asked his two oldest son’s, cutting a piece of his steak with his knife. Zayn’s small wolf ears perked up in excitement at the new stories his brothers were going to tell.

“It was good. I have a new history project, and I’m with this new kid…Luke Hemmings?” Niall shrugged, scooping up a bit of his potatoes, “He’s nice.”

“That’s great,” Louis nodded along, turning his attention to Liam, “What about you, Li? Anything interesting?”

Liam shrugged, “It was fine, nothing really happened.”

The blue-eyed man smiled slightly at his eldest; knowing there’s something that’s bothering him, but deciding to leave it for another time.  Liam was always the easiest to read, especially to Louis. Sadly, he was always so closed off about his personal life and only worried about others and not himself. Harry and Louis always are proud of Liam’s caring and selfless personality—it still amazes them. Anyone can see how much Liam cares about his family. He is a million times more protective over Zayn though, knowing that he isn’t able to fend for himself.

Louis turns to his youngest and his expression becomes stern, “I hope those math questions are done, young man.”

Zayn gulped, not wanting to get in trouble for the task he didn’t complete. He quickly looking up at Harry with pleading eyes, desperately wanting his Daddy to help him.

Harry sighed, knowing fully well he was the one who offered for Zayn to take a nap, “It got quite hectic here, and I knew Zayn needed a rest because he looked tired. I told him that we’d help him finish it tomorrow after a good nights sleep. I blame myself for keeping him from his work. So no, his worksheets are not finished.”

Louis huffed, giving a slight glare to his husband, “I wanted those finished, Harold.” Louis really hated when someone went against his orders. He assumed it came along with being the leader of his pack. He always needed stuff done his way and he felt very frustrated when somebody screwed up his plans.

“What happened at the house?” Liam jumped in the conversation with slight confusion. “You had your meeting didn’t you?” The older boy turned his gaze to his slightly frightened brother, “Zayn, you were good weren’t you? You promised me.”

The small boy swallowed, bringing his gaze up to his brother, “I-I was! I—“

“Zayn Styles.” Harry growled, narrowing his eyes at the young boy, “Tell your brothers and your father what happened today.”

Zayn’s eyes welled up with tears; he really didn’t want to tell his family what happened earlier today. He knew they’d be disappointed in him for breaking the rules they had told him many times. Zayn absolutely hated when someone was upset with him, especially when it’s his family members. “B-But D-Daddy—“

Now.” Harry snapped, dropping his fork on his plate and waiting for his son to start speaking. By now the whole table was quiet, watching confusedly at their youngest member, all of them waiting for him to explain. Zayn shrunk at all the gazes on him, feeling smaller than he already was. “Zayn, tell them what I told you before I left your room.”

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