3700 years ago... That day, everyone in the world turned to stone...
"Listen up, Senku, (Y/n)." A high school boy, who goes by the name, Taiju suddenly burst inside, opening the door to the science club. "I've made up my mind. I'm going to confess the feelings I've had for Yuzuriha for the past five years!" He exclaimed. "You better tell me who the lucky guy is after my confession, (y/n)!" He pointed at the said girl who looked at him bluntly, trying to hide the Expression in her eyes.
Everyone in the Science club was surprised. Except for one or two if you count the girl's stoic expression, not really noticeable that she was panicking inwards.
"Yeah?" The male scientist said bluntly not even taking a glance at Taiju. "Well, that sure sounds interesting." He looked at Taiju with a very stoic face. "I'll be cheering for you so hard that my vocal cords could snap from here in this science lab." He said sarcastically.
'Damn this was too soon.' the female scientist thought to herself biting the edge of her thumb in a thinking position. 'How will I tell my brother I like Senku? Eh might as well cheer for him.'
"You will?" He asked excitedly walking towards Senku a little closer while the boy only did his work. "Thank you, Senku!" He said.
"Shut up. I'm not cheering one millimeter for you, you big oaf." Senku replied, poking his index finger in his ear ever so slightly.
"What? Make up your mind!" He exclaimed telling Senku that.
"I'll cheer for you, Onii-chan! Ten billion percent!" The young Female told her older brother as she approached him.
"Really? Thank you, Li'l sis!" He said while hugging the poor female tightly, enough for her to breath.
"And you haven't said anything for five years?" Senku said while still working on his experiment. "How illogical can you be, idiot? I've got something for you that is logical as hell." He took a Florence flask with something liquid inside it. Then, he showed it to him. "A drug that will stimulate your pheromone output to the max." He grinned evilly.
The girl just gasps, knowing what's inside the flask. But he trusted Senku enough and she knew he knows that her big brother wouldn't dare to do such tactics.
"A love potion if you will." He continued to explain to the other male, making the other ones in the lab wonder if it's true. "Take this, and you're set ten billion percent." His smirk never faded.
Taiju took it and also observed it. Then, he poured all of it into the sink, draining it. "Thanks, Senku, but sorry." He said. "I can't rely on cheap tricks." He exclaimed as he walked towards the door. But before he went out of the room, he faced his sister. "(N/n), after my confession to Yuzuriha, tell me who the lucky guy is." He said and walked away, and slammed the door shut
The girl just sighed. "How can I even tell him that." The girl mumbled to herself, only enough for her to hear as she tilted her head, sideways, resting her chin on her palm. 'He's the guy in front of me. She exclaimed in her mind.
But the boy in front of the sitting 1st year heard her. 'Who's the dude she's crushing on?' He asked himself the question that only the girl could answer. Not even knowing that he is the one the girl has been thinking of.
"Seriously, Senku?" One of the members of the club asked him. "A love potion?"
"Like those even exist." (Y/n) sighed, as Senku threw a lit matchstick into the sink where the chemical drained.
"It's just gasoline," Senku stated bluntly as two males close by the sink flinched in surprise as the fire burst out into the open. "I refined it from plastic bottle caps. Think about the molecular structure of polyethylene, moron." He stated.
Who could even guess by just looking at it? Smelling it would be better.
"It's a long gasoline molecule with few hydrocarbons chopped off." The female sighed, not in the mood for anything. "You can tell by looking at it." She said facing the two with an annoyed face.
"So, wouldn't Taiju-Kun die if he drank it?" One of them asked him.
"Onii-Chan would never." The girl chuckled slightly, playing with her (h/c) hair. She got a little angry at Senku because of what he did. But at the same time, she was glad the older Oki was genuine about his feelings. Well, it's no excuse. Taiju has been an honest idiot since they were kids.
"I was ten billion percent side he wouldn't drink It." He smirked, looking at the two. "Not that straight-laced idiot."
"I'm going out . . ." (Y/n) stated, suddenly standing up and storming up to the door wondering what she'll do after her brother's confession.
"A hundred yen says he gets rejected." The brown-haired male with the round glasses proclaimed.
"Three hundred yes says he gets rejected hard." The raven-haired male said, playing along with the brown-haired male's bet.
"Five hundred yen says he gets rejected at full power." Another Raven haired boy said. But this time, this one had glasses on.
"Ten thousand yen says he actually doesn't." Senku said, placing an unexpected bet.
"I'm in for it, too." The vice president said, approaching the four boys. All of them got surprised.
"Seriously? You too, Vice Pres?" They exclaimed in unison.
"Well, duh, he's my brother after all." She said as she smirked, making the three boys wonder if both of them are even siblings. I mean, who wouldn't? One is smarter than the other. "If he confesses, I'd be the one confessing who my long time crush is." She stated, putting both of her hands on her hips.
Just then, a green light appeared out of nowhere in the sky. "What the hell is that?" The brown-haired boy exclaimed.
"(N/n), come to me!" Senku exclaimed as he hugged the girl protectively, making her blush.
And so that day, everyone in the world, turned into stone.

Mad Scientists (Senku x Reader) Under major editing??? I guess
FanfictionChildhood friends that has never been separated even through the stone age... (Y/n) and Senku have been friends ever since her older brother, Taiju, met Senku on that fateful day. Ever since that day, Senku and (Y/n) has been experimenting together...