Hackers 28

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Parking Area:

DJ: what a day it was thanks to NK.

Arnav: seriously guys who says seeing us that we have exams in two or three days and we're roaming here and there.

NK: Arnav is lucky yaar, his girlfriend is in front of him 24*7. But ours……

DJ: ask uncle or aunty that they have any Buva daughter for you, she can stay with you, in front of you 24*7.

NK: don't say in front of Niyathi, she will kill me.

AB: jokes apart…. After exams what our plans??

AM: before entering business world, we have to go Trekking, remember we thought about this once.

Arnav: good idea, fine then after exams we will go Trekking…. Ask your respective partners…. If they want they can accompany us.

DJ: what a brilliant idea Arnav!!! Love you Yaar.

Arnav: but remember stay in limits!!! Because this is first time we're taking them out.

All nodded and they bid bye to each other.



Khushi is sitting in the garden taking textbook in her lap and thinking something else. When Arnav came on his Royal En-field bullet bike and saw her.

Arnav: [coming to her] what are you thinking James Bond?? Need any help to study??

Khushi: nothing…. How was your outing with your hacker team??

Arnav: fabulous!! Are you thinking what Di said in the morning about me??

Khushi: no Arnav….. I just thinking…. Why siblings hate us???

Arnav: I don't know about that, but one thing….. if a person not give importance to you…. Then don't give damm to him or her. I don't know how I am in future….i know I am not the best, but I promise I will love you with my all Heart.

Khushi smiled hearing this….. both are staring each other and soft Rabba Ve playing in the background.

Arnav: God, you distracted me James Bond?? See I forgot about something.

Khushi: that's your mistake that you lost in my SoftEyes.

Arnav: True!!! We decided to go Trekking after exams….. so are you coming with me??

Khushi: your hacker team also coming??

Arnav: off course!! Whatever we do, we do in Union. What you thought that I will go alone to Jungle like that??

Khushi: what I will do there??

Arnav: I said my team to ask DD's, so you can discuss with your DD and decide.

Khushi: your friends are amazing…. The bond is so strong that I sometimes feel jealous of you.

Arnav: Best friends just don't walk into your life… you have to be worthy of their Love first.. before receiving Love, you need to learn to give it. To Care for and to be cared are the best feelings we can ever feel.

Khushi: True. .. we trust Friendship more than family. Because they are very important than any relationship in this world.

Arnav: hmmm….. OK you study and tell me your decision after OK??

They are talking when Ankhur came to them and smiling seeing them.

Arnav: Dad don't give that silly smile to us.

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