🍬 pretty people never lie 🍬

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Joey braced his legs against the wall, leant back, and pushed. Flinging himself around, he spun on his chair several times before the momentum slowed and he came to a halt. Using his feet to drag himself back closer to the wall, he braced his legs again and prepared to spin.

"Having fun?"

Joey dropped his legs with surprise and looked up into the shop. A large figure stood silhouetted in the doorway. His bulk and low voice gave away the fact that it was Shawn. Blushing, Joey raised a hand in welcome and pursed his lips in embarrassment. Being caught using an office chair as a human spinning top wasn't the sort of thing he had in mind when people came by, and considering Shawn might be letting him know whether he'd made it into the band, things weren't looking good.

"Umm, hi! " he squeaked. Slapping his hand over his mouth in horror, he turned pink. Definitely not an auspicious start.

Shawn smirked and walked in. "$15 of gas on pump 2," Shawn said. Joey started heading for the till before he subconsciously looked out the window and saw - well, nothing. There was no car at pump 2. In fact, there were no cars in sight. Shawn just laughed. He hadn't known Joey for long, and he was still making his mind up about him. The kid was a prodigy on drums, but he also had a bit of an attitude. With time, Shawn thought he could fix that. He'd also heard things, rumours about him from so many people that he couldn't help but be suspicious. Some of the things he'd seen with his own eyes - Joey making out with the lead singer of his band onstage, sneaking out the back door of clubs and bars with men. Any man would do, by the looks. He didn't really have a problem with gay people, but at the same time, if the kid was going to drum for him, he wanted to know if the rumours were true.

He ventured into the 'employees only' area behind the counter, pulled out a chair and sat down. Joey sat still on his chair, looking like a lamb to slaughter. It was obvious he was slightly intimidated, but Shawn thought that perhaps that was ok for now, until he figured him out. Shawn further psyched him out by staring at him. The kid was tiny. He knew he was only 18, but he was a weedy little thing. He wasn't just short, he was as skinny as hell to boot. And his skin was unnaturally pale, like he'd been kept inside all his life. His eyes stood out for Shawn: they were a light ice blue, and at the moment they were wide and fearful. The obviously dyed black hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and Shawn couldn't help but wonder that as his facial structure gave him a very androgynous look, if when his hair was down, he'd look like a girl.

"Why are you staring at me?" Joey had finally plucked up the courage to speak.

Shawn smirked. "No reason."

"Why are you here?"

"I needed gas."

Joey looked frustrated. "But where's your car?"

"Didn't bring it. Walked."

Joey gave up.

They sat in silence for a while. Joey served a customer who wanted gas, and contemplated making a run for it. Figuring Shawn would just hunt him down anyway, he resigned himself to his fate. Sitting back down, he decided to have another crack at conversation.
"Did you see Stone Sour play the other night?"

It was a few moments before Shawn answered. "Yup."


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