school >:(

63 3 27

y/n wasn't like other girls.

she was different.

the alarm woke her up, and as she dragged herself out of her bed, all she could think about was how boring her day was going to be.

maths, science, music and double english.

y/n didn't mind the morning, it was just the two hours of english that annoyed her. it was just so boring.

the only not so bad thing about today is that
y/n's class were going to be getting a new english teacher. you see, her old teacher was an old soul called mrs basset. she used to get really mad at the class and scream that she was mega mega fucking fuming all the time. however, she suddenly had a change and quit her job at ehnfeeld cowntee school for slags and became a monk.

so now y/n was partially looking forward to english for the first time in ages. hopefully this new teacher would make her love english.

y/n hopped off the bus. she made sure to put away her headphones before ms foster came to confiscate them. just as y/n was walking into school, she saw one of her friends Sadie. They waved at each other, before making their way to first period.


after a maths lesson with mista coppa jam packed full of learning, as well as a science and music lesson, y/n was ready for lunch. she was starving. sitting down with her friends Sadie, Fiona and Katherine, y/n pulled out her vegan keto lunch box.

y/n was glad of her tight friendship circle. it consisted of sadie ; the cool one who was just hanging out with the weirdos to be bulletproof, Katherine; the lesbian e girl and Fiona; the 60 year old drama teacher.

as y/n munched on her gluten free vegan friendly sandwich, she tuned into the convo.

"Aparantly hes really hot"
"Katherine you're lesbian"

y/n instantly became interested, "whos really hot???" she instantly questioned, being nosey.
"the new english teacher" Fiona replied.

y/n smirked, "i have him next ahaha. ill tell you whether he's peng or not"


y/n slumped in her desk, drumming her pen on her workbook. she was bored already. and the new teacher hadnt even arrived yet.

"guys if he doesn't come in 15 minutes We aRe lEgaLly AllOwed TO lEaVe" someone shouted

they were cut off by the classroom door opening fiercely, banging the wall. a tall male sauntered into the room, sporting a grey cardigan and a banging trim. just as y/n thought all was going well, he hit into a table and stacked.

he quickly got up, muttering a quick "sorry" to the table, before adjusting his fringe.

"hey guys im mr mackswell imma be yo new teacher"

the class was silent.

"ok cool so i made a power point about myself so you can get to know me"


45 mins later

y/n had forgotten how long she had been staring off into space for.

mr mackswell was still talking, "and then my cat did the craziest thing, well basically-"

y/n had been aimlessly doodling on her page. there was no harm in not listening. it's not like they were learning anything anyway.


a voice boomed through the classroom. y/n's head shot up, locking eyes with mr mackswell. shit. he had caught her not listening. he grinned with his non existent chin.

"what was my cats name again?"

y/n's heart began racing. shit shit SHIR shir. she went out on a limb, "uhh macbeth sir"

Mr maxwell nodded, "good to know you were listening"
y/n sighed in relief, instantly going back to dreaming about the dancing dino meme.
next thing she knew, the lesson was over. thank god. she pushed her chair under her desk and waited impatiently, shifting her weight from one foot to another.

"ok girls have a nice evening" mr mackswell licked his lips, "oh and y/n, please stay behind please"

y/n gulped. far facks sakes

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