twenty 1

18 0 0

Liam: "So did Harry ask you to go to Paris with him?"

Brittany: *chewing on popcorn, almost choking* "What? No he didn't..?"

Louis: "Harold, you didn't ask her yet?"

Harry: "Ask what..?"

Niall: "Britt to go to Paris with you."

Harry: "No? I wasn't!"

Niall: "Okay then.." he puts an eyebrow up.

It was 6 pm and the rest of the boys all had something to do so they left.

I continued to watch TV and began to fall asleep but Harry scared the fudge out of me after the boys left..

Harry: "Pack up your things!"

Brittany "Why..?"

Harry: "We're going to Paris in three days."

Brittany: "Really?! Yay!"

Harry: "Yes really. Now go before I do anything else to you."

Brittany: "Oh please, we both know you're not."

Harry: "Are you sure about that..?"

He starts to come near me and pins me down to the couch and starts kissing me.

Harry: "NEVER mess with Hazza."

 Brittany: "That's what I do though! It's my thing.."

Harry: "Fine, then I gotta do this more often."

Brittany: "Hahaha! Whatever you want. Anyways, I'll get my things ready."

As went up, I got a call from someone.

Brittany: "Hello?"

Person: "Hey Britt, it's Matt.." 

Brittany: "Um hi.. Why are you calling me? Not to be rude or anything.."

Matt: "'Cause I want you to be mine again."

Brittany: "Okay first of all, how did you get my number? Second, why do you want to get back together again?

Matt: "I got it from your mom this morning when I called your house to talk to you.."

 Brittany: "Um okay? And I'm really sorry, I'm already with someone else.. So bye!"

I hung up on him. I just don't understand people these days.. As soon as I hung up, Harry came in and started to lay down on the bed.

Brittany : "Aren't you gonna get ready too..?"

Harry: "No, I don't take 8 hours."

I slapped his face with a shirt I was holding.

The next day, we headed of the the airport to go to Paris. Of course Harry tweeted:

Harry's tweet: "Paris with Brittany! Super excited!" then uploaded a pic of both of us, via instagram, of course!

We arrived at Paris at 10 am and decided to check in to the hotel. When we went in, there weren't that many people, BUT when we went to go out, there were probably 200 people outside with their phones and cameras! I couldn't believe how fast the word got around!

A girl named Lucy wanted to sign her book and asked Harry to take a picture with her. She was really nice! We had a really short conversation 'cause the securities wanted us to leave the front of the hotel.

Harry and I went to La Bellevilloise for lunch and decided we'd go sightseeing next.

We went to Rendez-vous after lunch and that place was beautiful! We came back to the hotel at about 6 and we were staying there for a week.

We layed down on the grass and watched the starts and caught Harry looking at me ..

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