His smile was still on his face until Louis threw something at him.
"Hey! Watch it man!" he said.
"Hahahahaha, thanks Louis," you said sarcastically.
Your friends texted you to come out of their hotel room so you could talk to them in private.
"So, what's up with you and Harry?" they asked curiously.
... "On nothing, he asked me out.." you said questly.
"THE Harry Edward Styles asked you out?!?!" they all yelled at once.
"Bro, keep it down!" you laughed.
Suddenly, you got a text from Harry saying you should come back inside. Your friends followed you inside with a funny look on their faces. Harry asked you to come over and sit next to him so you walked over to him queitly and shyly. You felt like as if everyone was staring at you. You were both really nervous to talk to each other if front of the boys and your friends so you decided to talk to him, via text.. He texted you saying "Them staring at us creeps me out.. :P"
"Hahahaha ; right ?!?! Good 2 know we're on the same page :D" you replied.
Suddenly, he just laughed and you got scared and yelled. "What the hell are you guys talking about?!" Niall and Louis said at the same time.
"Oh nothing," you and Harry said at once.
It was midnight and you slept on the boys' couch and everyone was tired so you decided to text your mom saying you were okay and with your friends. She replied back saying "Ok , goodnight!"
You got really bored so you decided to go on Twitter and Facebook to see what was up. On Twitter, Harry said "I asked her out, next thing, dinner ;) .x" You literally freaked when you saw his tweet. Other people's responses were "OMG who ?? Tell us !!"
It was 9 in the morning and you were still asleep on the couch with your phone next to you. You suddenly heard your phone going off and a text from Harry said "Goodmorning love! :D xo"
"Heyy , what are you doing at 9 in the morning ?!?!" you asked.
The next thing you knew was when you fell asleep for about 5 minutes and you felt Harry kissed your forehead. "Would you like to go to dinner tonight?" he asked you with a big smile on his face. You sat up saying "Sure, I'd love to."