Chapter 10

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Lying next to her his fingers traced her soft skin of her bare back until they reached her lower back covered with the sheets. His hand trailed further down to her bottom and she burried her head in the pillows as she bit her lower lip and stifled a smile. Waking up next to her made him feel on top of the world, like he mattered. She was his angel. There was no changing that.
Ana's eyes studied Freddie's face, his gestures, the beautiful way he spoke with that low soft voice, taking in every word he uttered. Her eyes widened and softened again as he talked about this and that. She was taking it all in as if time with him was limited. The idea made her sick. She quickly pushed that thought out of her mind and was once again mindful to all his movements, his lips, his smile. That smile which he hated was one of the many things she loved about him. She never got bored of listening to him talking, that slight accent she couldn't quite place was like his songs, a lullaby to her ears. As they were sitting there, in a cafe sipping their cold drinks, she was utterly mesmerized by him, but something...something felt out of place. She was trying to not think about it but in a way she felt like someone was watching. 

Freddie realized she was growing uncomfortable. But he hadn't said anything out of place, had he? "Are you ok, my darling?" 

"Um... yeah," Ana replied rearranging herself in the chair and smiling back at him. "Please continue" Freddie did as he was told and went on talking. 

A gush of wind almost blew away the tent that was over them and Ana's hair tangled around her face almost blinding her for a second. Freddie moved over next to her, his fingers trying to untangle the mess and caressing her face. When the wind died down Ana thanked him and leaned in for a kiss on the cheek. 

No, something was wrong. As she turned her head around to take in their surroundings she saw it. The world stopped. Her stomach turned. Her ears started ringing and she felt she would collapse right then and there. She could not breathe. He was there, looking straight towards them in his car. The man she thought she had forgotten the past few weeks. The man that made her feel sick, the one that had messed up her life before Freddie came into it. 

Ana stood up trembling, "I...have to..." she started but couldn't finish the sentence. Freddie was shaken. His darling angel's face was white. Something had scared her. 

"Darling, please, what's wrong?" 

"I have to...I have to go...He's here" she said her voice quivering as she looked around her in complete fear looking for a way out. They were out in the open but still she felt like in a prison. 

Freddie's eyes followed hers and then he saw it. A man in a black Toyota Supra was looking straight towards them; towards her. He was getting his car all revved up looking angry and as if any moment now he would start a fight. Freddie's arms wrapped around Ana's shoulders but she escaped his embrace and ran to the street. He ran after her calling. A cold sweat coursed through his body, chilling his bones. 

The car's engine roared.

A screeching sound filled the air as it came to a sudden halt. 

All eyes fell to the street. 

Ana was lying there, unconscious on the hard tarmac. Freddie's voice at that moment sounded louder than any of his songs. 


People had gathered round the girl's body on the ground and Freddie's inability to help his angel. Tears fell hard against the cheeks Ana had just moments ago kissed so lovingly. He couldn't make it better. He felt lost. If only he had protected her better... This was all his fault. 

He didn't feel himself. Everything was a blur. The ambulance. The phone calls. The hospital. The doctors. But in all this mess his eyes never left her. 

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