Prom and "did it" time

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Author's note:

Guys, I am really, really sorry for not writing next chapter of story, I have so many works about school !!! Being high school student it's not easy, so guys keep calm and I will find some time to write my book !!!

Previous chapter :
Girls : We promise that we will not look another guys on the prom !!!

Next part:

Day: Friday

It's the end of school, and it's coming three very important things:

1. Prom

2. John and Korey's birthday (not the real events)

and the last thing

3. John and Korey's engage time!!!

The prom will start for 3 hours and they must be ready !!!

Three hours before prom :

John and Korey were in John's room and napping !!! Then Korey asks John : "Can we have it now ?"
John said : Can you keep holding on till the end of prom, then that will be so awesome !!!
Korey then said with sad face : Okay, I will keep holding on, but can we kiss  until we start to dress up for prom ?!
John looks at her and said : Yes,we can !!!
Then Korey and John start to kiss each other and they start to moan !!!
Korey starts to moan so loud and then said to John : Can you kiss my chest right now ?!
John said : Yes I can !!!
John starts to take Korey's t-shirt and kiss her chest !!!
For Korey it starts to be so warm and casual !!!

One hour to prom :

John and Korey start to dress up for prom, Korey wear black dress with lace on her sleeves and black heels and John wear a shirt and jacket and black shoes !!!
Then they are taking photo of each other :

*Unreal photo, so cute, I know*Then they are going to meet their friends !!!Jen and Ben were near school as Seth and Hilary !!!So when they came in school, the principal come and wave to them !!!During prom, DJ has playing song from Celine Dion - ...

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*Unreal photo, so cute, I know*
Then they are going to meet their friends !!!
Jen and Ben were near school as Seth and Hilary !!!
So when they came in school, the principal come and wave to them !!!
During prom, DJ has playing song from Celine Dion - My Heart Will Go On, then John and Korey said : This is our song, let's go dancing !!!
They were playing slow dance and they were so beautiful couple on the stage !!!
Then the time is coming to tell who is new King and Queen for 2017/18 year !!!
Principal comes and said : The students were voting and say that new King and Queen of prom are John Cooper and Korene Pignitore !!!
They jump from their chairs and start to kiss each other !!!
Then they're taking their crowns and John starts to talk :
Dear mister principal, dear friends, we're coming here to celebrate the end of this beautiful high school where we were coming to studying, joking, exercising, talking, etc...
Today we are here to respect our souls and asking new questions here !!!
Then Korey looks at John how he kneeled on her and asks : Korene Marine Pignitore, you're making me feel invincible, powerful, lovely, happy, proud and grateful !!! Tonight I decided to ask you, will you Korene Marine Pignitore marry me and makes me the most happiest man ever ?!
Korey then starts to cry and said : Dear John Landrum Cooper, I will accept your question and my answer is " Yes I will marry you."
Everybody starts to applaud to them, then John puts the ring on Korey's finger and kiss her so deep !!!
Then Korey starts to wipe her tears and starts to talk : I don't know what to say but, thanks for this beautiful surprise John, and thank you everyone who is coming here for very important event of our lives !!! Cheers our dear friends and thank you for making beautiful memories together !!!
Then prom ends with song Foreigner - I Want To Know What Love Is they're enjoying these last hours !!!
That night, everyone (John, Korey, Jen, Ben, Seth and Hilary) stay in John's house and sleeping, but Korey and John have their moment together !!!
Before they were coming to John's house, John prepared his room with champagne, two glasses, petals of red roses and white chocolate!!!
John picks up Korey in bridal style and they're coming near his room !!!
John slowly puts Korey down and said : Open it !!!
When Korey opens his room she was so shocked and surprised of these things what she sees right now !!! She asks him: What is it ?!
This is our new romantic way and our second time !!!
Korey starts to take John's clothes and kissing him, during John takes Korey's clothes and kissing her so deep and lovely !!!
John puts his protection and start to go into Korey and Korey said : Go deeper right now !!!
As they're enjoying in their second time, Korey kisses John so deep and imagine herself in her mind as mother of two cute and wonderful children !!!
They're ended their job and they said : This was the best night ever !!! Thanks for beautiful memories and making me so proud of what I'm right now - John said to Korey!!!
Korey then fell on John's chest and saying : You're very welcome now let's go to sleep !!!
John said : Goodnight my sleepy QUEEN❣️❣️❣️
Korey said : Goodnight my sleepy KING❣️❣️❣️
They all fell fast asleep !!!

Thank you guys for reading my story !!! I promise that I will write new chapters soon, but keep holding on and enjoy !!!
Love you guys,
Later !!!

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