Wedding time and blessing one

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Author's note:

Hey guys, I am really sorry for not writing my story !!! Sometimes I need a break to clear my mind and stay normal !!! Even though we have messy life, we must stay strong and safe !!! Today I'm gonna write new part of story just to make you proud guys !!! Thank you for giving me your attention !!!

Begin of story :

One week before wedding :

John and Korey are sitting in their room and watch some romantic movie while John rubbed his hand on Korey's belly !!!
John said to Korey : I never thought that we're gonna be parents, but this is beautiful moment for us two baby !!!
Korey looked at John and said : Me too, but now I must go to take shower, I feel so tired !!!
John asked Korey : May I join you ?!
Korey said : Sure, why not !!!
So now John and Korey have go to take a shower after they stayed alone in their house, because their parents have gone to vacation on Hawaii !!!

Let's go to Jen and Ben :

Jen and Ben are going to Jen's parents today !!! Since Jen's parents came to USA last week, Jen decided to come with Ben since they will have wedding as John and Korey and Seth and Hilary !!!
Jen comes near door and knocking : *Knock knock*
Jen's mum comes and opened door : Jennifer, how glad I am to see you !!!
Jen said : Me too mummy !!!
Jen's mum said : Come in you two !!!
Jen and Ben came in, but suddenly Jen's mom looked at Jen and asked her : Jennifer Carole Ledger, what happened to your stomach ?! Do you gain your weight ?!
Jen's dad came to greet his daughter and future son-in-law, he knew about everything since Jen has more trust in her dad than mum, but her mom understands it !!!
Jen's dad said : Jennifer, how great to see you !!!
Jen said : Great to see you too, daddy !!!
Jen's dad said : Well congratulations you two, I think this is the best moment for us here !!!
Then her mum said : What are you talking about ? I don't understand !!!
Jen's siblings Marie, Martin and David came in living room and hugged their sister !!!
Her siblings said : Jenny, how is our dear sister !!!
Jen said: I'm great, and you ?!
They said : We're great, congratulations!!!
Jen's mum started to being nervous, but now will be great❣️❣️❣️
Then Jennifer stands up and said to her mum : Mum, I will get married for one week and I'm pregnant, you're gonna have a grandbaby !!!
Jen's mum started to cry of happiness and hugged her daughter and said : Congratulations, my baby girl !!! I hope that you and your fiànce will enjoy as family !!!
Jen hugged her mum back and told her : We will mum and thank you !!!
Jen's mum looked at Ben and said : Take care of her !!!
Ben then said : It's gonna be my pleasure mum !!!
Then Jen said : We must go now to choose stuffs for wedding, and yeah mum, you and Marie can be my bridemaids and I will call Anna and Elizabeth to help us !!!
Then her mum said : Okay sweetie, bye !!!See you in Sunday night, love you !!!
Jen said : Love you too mummy !!!
So Jen and Ben left house, and go to shopping to buy everything what they need !!!
Ben then hold her hand and kissed her passionately and said : I can't wait to enjoy in your laugh, smile, touches, everything !!! You're gonna be really amazing mum!!!
Jen said to Ben : Thank you baby, you're gonna be amazing dad too !!! But now, let's go on some coffee or tea, so we will go in shopping later !!!
Ben said : Okay !!!

Back to John and Korey :

After they finished shower, Korey decided to make lunch for her and John, but especially for babies !!! Since she's pregnant, she must take care of everything what she works !!! While John is still dressing up, Korey starts to peels the potatoes and singing : Carry on and I sing of how, you love and I love you now, all the times that I start to sink
you come and you rescue me, you are my hope !!!
John came in kitchen and heard his beautiful fiánce singing and said : That was amazing baby !!! You have amazing voice !!!
Korey said John : Thanks babe, I'm just trying my best !!!
John said Korey : And you did !!!
Korey stopped peels, came to John and kissed him, until they start to touch each other !!! John and Korey put their tounges in their lips so they can enjoy in this romantic moment !!! Korey jumped on John, she put her legs around his waist and hugged him and sat down on the counter as he kissed her !!! Even though Korey has babies, John stopped kissed her and said : What do you mean to continue this in our room ?!
Korey said : Yes please !!!
John holds Korey in bridal style and put her on bed and starts to kissing her again !!!
Korey and John then started to take clothes off each other and start to make it !!!
John knows that Korey is pregnant, so he was gentle while doing it with Korey !!!
Korey enjoyed in every touch of John, so they did it and John told Korey : It was amazing baby, you looked so awesome !!!
Korey told John : Thank you baby, I missed our moment together, actually I miss our friends !!! Let's call them and make sleepover !!!
John then hugged Korey and said : That's wonderful idea baby !!! Let's call them !!!
Jen and Ben finished their shopping and start to prepare to go to John and Korey !!!

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