Birthday parties and "did it" time with a surprise in morning

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Hey guys, I'm so sorry for not writing next part of my story, I have so many problems in my private life, so let's start new part without previous time!!!

Day: Saturday 1st June
Time: 10:10 AM

John and Korey are sleeping so well, until John decided to make surprise for Korey's birthday which is his too !!!
Korey was sleeping on John's chest after long time from last night !!!
John puts Korey slowly down and kissed her forehead of happiness !!!
John goes to the kitchen to make some romantic breakfast for him and Korey because today is their day !!!
While John is making breakfast for them, Jen suddenly wakes up and say :
Morning Doggy, then John jumped so quietly and said : Jen, you scared me plus be quiet, everyone is sleeping and I want to make something very special for me and my hubby!!!
Jen said : Oh,it's so sweet and happy birthday you lovers !!!
John said : Thanks Jenny, can you help me with this breakfast, I must wait a beautiful bouquet of roses for my wonderful fiánce and make some awesome atmosphere ?!
Jen said : Yeah of course I can do that, but be quick, I know when Korey notices it's middle of the day, she is getting crazy in positive way !!!
John said : Okay !!!
After some time, pancakes with cream and biscuit, eggs and bacon plus hot chocolate and roses were served on attendant and John was going to his room to wake up Korey !!!
John grabbed Korey's cup and put on her nose to notice scent !!!
Korey wakes up and starts to yawn quietly loud !!!
John looks in her beautiful eyes and said : Good morning beautiful, happy birthday !!!
Korey looked back in John and said : Good morning my love, happy birthday to you too !!!
John leans and kissed Korey's lips so long until Korey starts to move, trying to say that she is so hungry !!!
John noticed that Korey is hungry so he moved fast and let her eat !!!
Korey starts to eat and said : John,oh my gosh, this is so tasteful !!! How did you know that this is my favourite meal in the morning ?!
John looked in her with smile and say : Well, let's just say that I know it. Everything for my lovely girl, so he leaned and kissed her so deep with tongue in her lips !!!
They start to moan and when Korey puts attendant on night table, she hugged John and let him licks her soft neck and make some moans with love and patience !!! They never stopped to do that, since they met first day in new high school !!!
When they finished John told Korey : Let's prepare for our special birthday parties !!!
Korey said : Yeah, let's go !!!
John and Korey dressed up and go down to show their friends !!!
John picks Korey up in bridal style and goes down and their friends look in them and said : Who is this sexy couple?!
Jorey said together: We are !!!
Selary and Bennifer came to them and said : Happy birthday to the most beautiful couple, friends, fiánces !!! Thank you for every moment you spend with us, being there when we had hard times, for every memory we've made and we will make for 2 months with your wedding !!!
Jorey were so shocked and said : Thank you guys !!! They both start to cry, then Korey's and John's parents come and congratulate their birthday and parties can begin !!!
As John and Korey were engaged yesterday on their prom, Korey that night while sleeping on John's chest heard Lori how she talks with herself and talking about how to ruin their day and how to poisoning them during party putting some pills in their drinks and make them drunk forever !!!
So Korey makes plan how to make fake pills to put in John's and her drink during party, so they can make Lori so naive and go to have their third time without protection !!!
So, the parties were so cool while DJ was playing some lovely songs about relationships, trust, love, etc....
When Korey saw that Lori was ready to make some poison, Korey whispered to John and others to put fake pills in their drinks and drink that to make Lori fool !!!
When they done that, John and Korey go to the cake and cut the first piece together and eat !!!
After long time and parties, Korey told John to come with her in bathroom, to lock the door and to take a shower together !!! They both started to take clothes off each other and start to make it, while warm drops of water were falling on their bodies !!!
So John and Korey were drunk by Korey's fake pills, and start to make out !!!
They finished their showering and John said to Korey : Thank you for this amazing party and adventure we had during touching each other !!!
Korey starts to be very blushed, so John comes near her, lift her chin up and kissed her lips until he didn't hear his lovely and sexy moans of her !!! Then she said : You're welcome, but we everyone knows that this was our idea!!!
After that, they go to John's room and fell asleep !!!
They all fell asleep, but Jen and Ben were making out and having their time, as Jen was really drunk and said to Ben : Please go deeper, I cannot describe how many times I've been waiting for it !!! Jen and Ben wanted to do this, after they were drunk !!! Jen was like a crazy girl, before it happens !!! She came to Ben and whispered to him: Let's "do it" !!! Ben was drunk too, so he picks Jen up in bridal style, starts to take her clothes off and make it !!!

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