Bracelets, Beanies, and Pining

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By: shipsandglitter

Andi watched in a daze as Amber walked past their table again, shooting them a smile and tossing her hair over her shoulder. She really did try, but Andi couldn't pull her eyes away from the blonde-haired girl as she walked away. Of course - everyone knew that Amber was gorgeous, but lately, Andi had been wondering if some of the things she was feeling could be put down to normal, friendly admiration.

Surely she shouldn't be thinking about what it would feel like to kiss another girl, let alone Amber.

"Hello? Earth to Andi? We kinda need her down here."

She blinked and immediately snapped out of it at the sound of Buffy's voice, scolding herself internally for the blatant staring.

"Right! Sorry - what were we saying?"

Cyrus smiled. "Andi Mack are you blushing?"

"What! No."

An evil grin was beginning to tug at Buffy's lips. "Wow, Cyrus. Now that you mention it..."

"Okay! Back to what you were saying!"

Cyrus raised an eyebrow at her, but continued anyway.

"Wellll...we were kind of asking whether or not you wanted to come over for a movie night on Sunday."

Andi immediately recognised his hesitant tone. "Who else is going?" she asked flatly.

Buffy grimaced slightly. "Um...Jonah, TJ, Amber, Marty and...Walker."

"Oh. Okay sure!"

"Really?" Cyrus blurted, shooting Buffy an amazed look.

"Yeah, why not? I don't hate Walker."

Buffy smiled slightly. "Yeah, I know...we just thought it might be awkward for you."

Andi's gaze flickered to Amber again, who gave her a cute little wave. She smiled and waved back.

"Yeah...that's not a problem anymore." she said absentmindedly.

Cyrus and Buffy exchanged a confused look.


"Okay. Spill."

"Spill what?"

Cyrus was positively grinning. "Andi, do you take me for a fool? You have a new crush!"

She gulped and quickly shook her head. She wasn't ready by any means to acknowledge her newfound feelings.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

It was Tuesday afternoon and the pair were at Cyrus' house. Buffy was on an 'outing' with Marty, and it was far too cold outside for them to do anything besides hole up and drink hot chocolate.

"Oh come on, I'm your best friend!" Cyrus complained.

Andi just shrugged and returned to the paper they were doodling on.

"Like I said, I have no idea what you're talking about."

The boy pouted and picked up another marker. "Okay, you don't have to tell me...but can I guess?"

Andi thought about it for a few moments. There was no way that Cyrus would ever guess a girl - let alone Amber. Eventually, he would just get bored and assume that it was a boy from another school.

Andi gave him a bright smile. "Sure, Cyrus. You can guess."

Cyrus squealed slightly. "I knew it - there is someone!"

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