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Nightmare's POV

I sat on my sofa glancing out the window at the setting sun, it would soon be night time, I would soon be in my element. To be honest I don't dislike the light I just prefer the dark, which  makes sense considering I'm the God of Negative feelings and all. My brother always preferred the light which again makes sense if you know who he is. As I sat there waiting for the darkness to surround me I felt a soft tapping on my shoulder, I whipped my head around and saw a short white skeleton. He wore white boots, black shorts and a black and white fluffy hoodie, he also had a gold necklace with a heart on it, he had a red scar under his right eye which was also red but his left eye was white. It was Cross. He looked bored.

''Hey Cross, what's up buddy.''I said.

''When are the other coming back.'' He moaned.

''Cross, you asked that 20 MINUTES AGO.''

''YOU DIDN'T ANSWER ME.'' He snapped.


He looked stunned, I think that was the first time I had yelled at him, Cross was the newest member of the gang but he wasn't that new, he'd been part of the gang for 6 months now. I saw him look down he looked embarrass.

''Sorry,'' He muttered.

''It's fine.'' I sighed, ''Error and the rest will be back in about 10 minutes now.''

''Thanks.'' He said looking up ''I'm getting a drink, you want one.''

''Na I'm good.''

I watched Cross walk into the kitchen, wait why am I watching him?! I flipped my head back to the window and waited for the others to return.

Cross' POV

I rushed into the kitchen and sat on the counter breathing heavily.

''Dude what the hell is wrong with you?'' I turned towards the voice I just heard, there stood a kid about 15, they were slightly translucent and was floating off the ground in a ghostly manner, they had similar cloths to me but had a white short sleeved top layered over a black long sleeved top instead of a hoodie, they had messy, unkept, white hair.

''What do you want Chara?'' I whispered, not wanting Nightmare to hear me and think I was crazy.

''I want to know what is wrong with you'' They replied simply.

''I don't know what you mean'' I lied.

''Dude we share the same soul'' Chara said with a grin.

Dang I'd forgotten they could sense my emotions [Hi It's me, I don't really know if this is true but I'm gonna go with it anyways I'm also gonna make Cross and Chara good friends pls don't hate me for not getting everything right].

''Whatever your thinking it's wrong''

''I bet I'm right'' Chara said their grin turning into a smile.

''Leave me alone"

"Come on we're friends"

"No we aren't"

Chara gasped in an overly dramatic fashion.
"I've never been so insulted in my life" They threw their hand on their head and flicked their hair to the side. I grinned at the kids act, as much as I hated having Chara stuck in my body they were funny and nice... Most of the time.

"Alright fine we're friends"

"Just as I thought" They smiled.

"Say Chara do you mind giving me a minute?"

"Alright you know how to call me, cya Cross" Chara waved and faded into thin air, I wonder where they goes when they do that? I pushed myself of the kitchen counter and grabbed a glass of water, I downed most of it and sighed. I didn't know why I was so taken aback when Nightmare yelled at me, he yelled at everyone all the time. But he had never yelled at me before, then again he did seem rather on edge recently, I don't know what was bothering him lately but it seemed to be really affecting him. I heard a knocking at the door and I was pulled from my thoughts, they were back...

Okay so this is my first paragraph I know it's short but and kinda boring, my next one will be loads better, I just wanted this one to be an intro to a few of the characters and the beginning of hopefully a good story. Thanks for anyone who took their time to read this I love you all!!!

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