The Star Sans' Settle In

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Hi people it's me I'm really sorry this chapter took a while to come out I've been absolutely bombarded with school work recently so in order to make up for that I've tried to make a longer chapter with a couple of ships maybe starting to sail ;) we shall see .Thank you all xxxx

Error POV
After about 20 minutes of rambling, stuttering and tearfully hugs, Ink, Dream and Blue had finished explaining what had happened, it wasn't 100% clear but I knew now that the same person who had destroyed some of the multiverses had tried to destroy Underswap but Blue called Ink and Dream and they fought this person. They said they had only caught a glimpse but the person like a looked tall humanoid figure, so I guess it could be a skeleton but then again they had said it didn't look skeletal so I dunno maybe it isn't.

I glanced at Ink being comforted by his two friends, he must have been hit the hardest by this whole thing, after all it is his job to protect the multiverse. They all looked tired, they needed to rest.
"Look maybe you guys should get some rest," I said trying to calm the glitching in my voice, "If it's ok with Nightmare we have spare rooms you can stay in, you all look exhausted." I glanced over at Nightmare who scowled at me.

"C'mon Nightmare," I looked over to see...Dust!? "They really do look exhausted."

"Why do you care?" Nightmare spat.

"Well, they're all sans' to begin with, and we seem to have the same enemy now." Dust drawled casually.

"He's right Nightmare." I said. Nightmare looked like he could dust the both of us right there.

"Actually, if you don't mind me saying," Dream butted it, "He can't really tell us to leave, this is my house too, Nightmare just doesn't like to admit it." He tried to look as innocent as possible to irritate Nightmare, who looked ready to burst but seeing how his brother was right he slouched into the couch, arms crossed.

"Fine." He growled. Dream smiled triumphantly and grabbed Blue by the arm dragging him upstairs.


Ink stared after them smiling sadly, he was about to go after them but I grabbed his hand.

"Wait," I whispered. He looked at me then at my hand grabbing his, he blushed and looked to the ground. Seeing the rainbow flush on his cheeks [just go with it] I blushed too and quickly leg go of his hand. "I need to speak to you," His looked back at me "Outside, I-It'll be quick." I stuttered slightly. The artsy skeleton nodded back at me and followed me outside.

"Right," I said closing the door. "...I just wanted to ask you about the person you saw destroy some of the universes, I know every Sans and Papyrus in the multiverse, I'm sure it has to be one of them." Ink looked back at me and sighed.

"Well, I'm not even sure if it was a Sans or Papyrus but if you want to know, it looked a little taller than the usual Papyrus, they had a scare on their right eye and they had a black cloak. They were unbelievably good at dodging, they avoided Dreams, Blues and my attacks and they even dodged Swap Papy's attacks when he joined in. And then he just disappeared, into what looked like code, it was as if he teleported but he didn't create a portal like we do. It was confusing in the least." He gave a small laugh, but had tears in his eyes.

"Well that, that doesn't sound like a Sans or a Papyrus, well it's got elements from both but not quite the same, if you get what I mean. It might be an irregul- Ink, Ink are you ok?" I saw black tears of Ink falling down his face. He was crying and laughing at the same time.

"I-I failed them" He said, he stopped laughing and started sobbing, heavily. "They all died, because of me, it's my fault. They can't ever come back or live their lives. All because the 'creator' was too damn weak. I'TS ALL MY FAULT, IT'S MY FAULT, THEY'RE DEAD BECAUSE OF ME!" Ink fell towards me whimpering, I cringed from the contact but hugged him tight.

"Ink it's not your fault, stop blaming yourself." I whispered into his ear.


"Ink look at me!" I grabbed his hand to make him look at my face. "I know you Ink, I know how much you care about your multiverse, I know that you tried your hardest, I know how hard you fought for your worlds, I know that you have done everything you could and I know that it isn't your fault." He gazed at me, my voice softened, "Look Ink, your such an amazing person, I couldn't beat you, even when I brought my gang with me you would still end up saving the worlds. You need to stop blaming yourself for this, it isn't your fault. Things will get better," I grabbed his chin and made him look into my eyes, "I promise."

"Oh Error!" Ink said collapsing into my arms pulling me into a hug, I usually would lash out at the physical contact but Ink didn't affect my Haphephobia so I hugged him back, rubbing the back of his skull "Thank you" Ink whispered, it was barely audible but I heard it, I blushed bright yellow all over my cheek-bones but I didn't move at all, Ink felt so warm pressed up my chest, I could feel his soul [Yes in this story I'm giving Ink a soul] beating against mine.

I wanted to stay like this forever.

Dust POV

Me, Killer, Blue and Dream stared out of one of the many windows, watching Error an Ink embracing one another.

"Well, they look like they're having fun." Dream piped up sarcastically.

"They're still hugging." Said Killer sounding almost confused. Meanwhile Blue had stars in his eyes and looked like he was going to explode, he let out a high pitched squeal and shook his hands in front of his hands. Killer looked slightly disturbed but Dream just rolled his eyes.

"He's fanboying again." Sighed Dream.

"Blue you sound like a Kettle." Mocked Killer, hands to his ears (?).

"C'mon guys let's leave him too it." Dream said turning to the door, Killer followed him.

"Um, I'm gonna stay in case he passes out, he hasn't stopped for breath yet." Dream shrugged and walked out of the door, Killer was following closely behind, very closely. I waited till they were gone then sighed in relief. I went over to Blue and tapped him on the shoulder.

"You ok there bud." I said, he finally stopped squealing and turned to me still with stars in his eyes.

"I SHIP IT!" He whisper shouted to me.

"You what?"

"OTP!" He squeaked.

"Oh, right." I stayed by his side for a bit. "You know Blue, I've got an OTP too." Blue turned to me, shocked.

"You DO!" He said excitedly.

"Sure I do,"

"Well, WHO IS IT!" He shouted jumping up and down.

"Nah, I can't tell you" I said turning away, 'Crap I haven't thought this through' I thought blushing slightly to how close Blue was to me.

"Please????" He said, looking as innocent s he could.

"Maybe-"I was cut off


"BUT, not today ask me another time ok?"

"Oh, ok, I guess." He said turning back to the window. "Hey, where have Error and Ink gone?"

Hi so I hope you enjoyed this chapter (and the start of the Errink ship), again I am sorry it's so late I'll try to get on top of things. I'll see you in my next chapter. C ya

( ˘ ³˘)♥

Love in our own way [Error x Ink & Multiship]Where stories live. Discover now