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Hi awesome people I know this is hella late but Im good at procrasting :-P. So I really hope that the next chapter will be a really long chapter with some action in it so I hope you all l enjoy it. ^_^🤞Xxxxx

Third person POV
"Hey Cross!" A teenager popped into existence making the black and white skeleton physically jump.

"Jeeze, Chara why do you always just pop out of nowhere, can't you give me a warning?!"

"Well I could, but it's more fun this way" the kid said with a mischievous grin, making the skeleton groan.

"What do you want Chara?" Cross sighed.

"Maybe I just wanted a chat." Chara feighing innocence. Cross looked at them seeing straight through his deceptions.

"Really?" Cross drawled casually.

"There might be just one teeny tiny thing too"

"Of course there is" Cross said, rolling his eyes, "Look Chara I will try and get you a soul as soon as I can but it's not as easy as just killing a human, I can't just do that-"

"Cross that's not what I'm asking," Chara intergected. The skele looked confused.

"Its not?" Chara shook their head. "Well then what is it about?"

"It's about you, you've been acting weird the past couple of days, especially near that black goopy skeleton, Nightmare, I just wanted to check you're OK cause you're my friend and we'll we kinda share the same body so I can sometimes faintly feel what you feel." Chara explained "So what I'm asking is what's up with you and that nightmare guy?"

Cross blushed subtly and rubbed the back of his skull, "I dunno he just gives me a weird feeling is all." Cross replied bluntly, he seemed genuinely confused and slightly disheartened.

"Hey what's wrong" Chara said sensing his mood drop it wasn't that they could feel what Cross felt, it was more that Cross' soul gave of a kind of aura that Chara's soul picked up on.

"I've just...well its hard to explain. Every time I see him my soul kinda...jumps, I guess. Its not that I'm scared of him it's something else" Cross explained. Chara looked at him, wide-eyed. "What is it why are you looking at me like that?" Chara snapped out of their gaze.

"Wha- oh its sorry. I don't think that it's anything to worry about you should be fine your just over reacting."

"If you say so."

"I'm gonna go now, see ya later"


X-Chara POV
Dang, I knew this was gonna happen one day but I didn't think it would be this quick! I don't want him to go, I don't want to loose my only friend, Cross can't fall for this guy, I've got to do something to stop it.

Error POV
I was sat on my chair with Ink next to me, sat on the arm of the chair. It seemed that was a thing now. Dust, Nightmare and Rapberry were sat in the middle of the floor around a lit up map of the multiverse with pins, markers and felt pens. Blue and Dream were sat around a smaller more detailed map of Underswap, mulling over different escape routes. Killer and Horror were in the kitchen packing bags with food, water, trackers, walkie talkies, healing potions and magic regeneration potions. Me and Ink had a list of all the Sans' and Papyrus' in the multiverse with a picture of them and a list of their powers, trying to decipher who this mystery man was. We were preparing to go into battle. This is is [the apocalypse woah oh].

...Time Skip Cause I'm Lazy...

"Right, are all the bags packed?"

"Yup" Killer and Horror replied in unison.

"How many emergency escape routes do we have?" I asked Blue and Dream.

"Four," said Dream "all of them pass through the antivoid and end here."

"Have any more worlds been destroyed?" I asked Nightmare's group.

"Nope" replied Dust.

"Well none yet." Added Raspberry.

"OK, well I think that's everything." I said glancing at Error, he nodded back at me.

"Hey Ink, out of curiosity, what were you and Error doing whilst we were preparing everything?" Nightmare questioned, giving Ink a slightly dirty look.

"Well, we um we were trying to find out who the person is that is destroying everything." I replied defensively.

"Right and did you find out who it was?" Nightmare said crossing his arms, Dream looked tense.

"Well no, we looked through every sans and Papy in the multiverse and couldn't find them."

"Right, so you failed at your task so why do you think you can take charge of the rest of us?" Nightmare snarked. I was taken aback, what had i done to offend Nightmare, and why was he being so harsh.

"Ok there's no need for that" I saw Error get up from his seat and stand beside me, arms crossed.

"Why do you care?" Nightmare remarked. I saw Error trying to come up with an escuse, but to no avail.

"Nightmare," I piped up, "I'm not bothered about being in charge, you can do it if you want, I only did it because no one else was doing it." Nightmare stared daggers at me, it was like I could feel him staring into my soul.

After what seemed like an eternity, Nightmare exhaled and muttered something to himself, whilst making his way in to the kitchen. Everyone looked from where Nightmare had just been to Ink then to Error. A couple of people sighed in relief, Nightmare could be very unpredictable and highly dangerous if caught in the wrong mood.

"I'll go see if he's OK." Cross said getting up quickly.

"No wait," Dream said grabbing Cross' skeletal arm with his own, "Let me go, I grew up with him, I know how to handle him." Dream explained.

"Oh, ok" Cross said, somewhat deflated. Dream got up and slowly walked out the door, hesitating slightly.

Dream POV
OK, I can do this it will be fine. I knew exactly where Nightmare was going. I knew exactly what mood he was in but I wasn't sure how to get him to talk to me.

I neared the garden and walked towards the back wall.


Thank you for reading this chapter, I know it took a while to come out and it's a bit naff but it'll do. Hope you enjoyed, love you all xxx.

Love in our own way [Error x Ink & Multiship]Where stories live. Discover now