2:Say Goodnight

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Emilia's Pov
My eyes slowly awaken, I slowly got up confused, I stood before the ink spot the street was more subtle than usual it's not that busy though but it was more of empty than quiet like everyone was gone, it was dark as the ink spot was the only shop that had it's light on.
I squint my eyes to take a closer look at the shop no one was around but the door seemed opened, a cold wind blew making me shiver and my teeth shatter, why do I feel so cold.
I looked down to notice I was in my white lace nightgown as the cold wind brushes my skin.
"Hello...." my voice echoed as it dances with the wind back and forth in repeat.
I felt a cold pair of arms trap me In a back hug.
I let out a gasp as the figure immediately clamped my lips Shit still locking me in his grip.
My hands traced to the hand over my out as I try to scream but he Suffocated me pulling me back as my legs kicked in action, all in avail, I quickly elbowed him at his jaw as he let's go of me granting me freedom breaking into a sprint without looking back.
"Why Are you Running... " I froze unable to move glued to the Earth, my knees trembled almost weak and could give up any moment but no, I need to see his face, I need to see him. I turned to Face him my eyes socket well up.
"Kaden... " I said in a Faint Whisper slowly making my way to him.
My Lips trembled as tears stream down my cheeks.
"Run... " He said in a Harsh Whisper as a dagger Peirce through in and out as he instantly dropped dead on the floor, the end of the dagger was gripped tightly as I traced it to it's killer.
"Kaden... " I cried adhering to his warning leaving the only source of light and blending into the darkness, my ankle twisted as o fell to my doom.
My Ankle hurts as I tried to ease out the pain a Hand grip tightly to my neck strangling and cutting off any form inhalation as everything went foggy, I held tightly to the killers hand struggling to break free before my lungs collapse and give up on air.
"You Fate will end same as his... " he said as he brought out his bloody dagger glimmering the hint of dry blood smug on it.
"Please Don't do this to me.. " I said in a faint whisper.
"Don't worry... This will all be a dream when you wake up I'm coming for you... " it Blurted as it Stabbed me directly at my abdomen.
"Noooooooooo..." I gasped jolting up as I fell from the Couch.
"It was all a Dream.. " I said to myself in a whisper but it looked so real to me I got up from the bare floor as I barged in the kitchen to see Rebecca and Anthony having sex in the kitchen are they for real.
I Clasped my eyes avoiding the Live Porn they were displaying, they don't care even if they do it in a public toilet, they will do it just about anywhere.
I let out a loud hiss, I can't keep waking up every morning like this.
Yesterday I couldn't even sleep because of their Loud moans no wonder I had a nightmare.
I don't have a choice do I with great freedom come painful sacrifices.
Rebecca is the only one that offered a  cheap pay for Living 30 bucks a week.
I need Shelter and she needs the money it would have been perfect, we could have been friends if not for her irrelevant sex life  seriously it's gross and I don't want to know anything about her and I'm sure she doesn't give a Fuck who I am and I like things that way.
She's Cool either way the problem is her Lousy Deadbeat boyfriend always having sex almost everywhere the whole apartment smells like Cunt.
Anyways he too doesn't give a shit about me and neither do I and we both like it that way they do their business and I don't say a word besides I'm paying 30 bucks for a week stay which reminds me I need a Job.
I slumped back on my couch grabbing my Denim jacket diving through the pockets to check how much cash I got left.
Only 20 bucks
I shove it in my pocket putting on my jacket and packing my hair into a messy ponytail, slipping into my only footwear and heading to the door, I'm not taking a shower I'm not risking Anthony seeing me naked on purpose it's better I buy brunch and come back later before ending up hosting a strip show.
I head out of the Apartment as I slammed the door behind me I checked myself one last time a tank top with my Jacket on and shorts, perfect.
There is a little super Mart not far from here though it's just a block away from the apartment I'm thinking of applying for a new job there, I can work anywhere right now I don't care where I just need the money and if I'm being paid enough I can finally move away from Rebecca and Anthony Porn Hub apartment.
I spot the Mart not so Far away as some guys were checking me out.
"Perverts.. " I muttered under my breath pushing past the Super Mart Door alerting customers and the attendant know a new customer has just walk in.
I ignore some of their stares as I made my way to the containment Aisle.
My Hands were in my pocket as I decide what I was gonna eat this morning.
Again I picked brown soup like I did everyday I got here just pour It in a bowl pinch of salt stir throw it in an Oven and Voila you have Hot brown Soup.
I looked down at my abdomen it was thinner than usual maybe having brown soup everyday was a bad idea I'm loosing weight upon my thin Figure.
I put back the Soup on the Counter aborting having Soup this Morning before I Vanish into threads of non existence.
"Not Today.. " I said I need something solid I picked up a can of peas, it's nutritious and it's solid and I like trying new things so what the Heck I'm buying it it's just only 5 bucks leaving me 15 bucks, I really need to get a job, which reminds me I need to apply for a job here.
I carried my can of peas heading to the counter my eyes darted to the glass window, OK think I spot Liam.
The Peas came slipping from my grasp, I caught it before it fell to the floor, I heave a sigh of relief getting back on my feet, my eyes darted to the window again he wasn't there this time.
My eyes widened, I facepalm myself with my right hand it's official I'm seeing things.
I made my way to the Counter as the girl behind the counter gives me suspicious looks like I'm the one to be Suspected.
I slammed the Can of peas on the table as she wraps it in a paper bag.
"That would be $4.99.." she said as I brought out my money but a Hand beat me to it.
"Keep the Change.. " my eyes darted to Liam I knew I wasn't blind I did see him but what is he doing here.
"Thank you Sir, You got Yourself a Lucky Boyfriend... " The Girl gloated as my eyes widen in shock.
"Boyfrie..... " Liam pulled me back clenching tightly to my Jacket interrupting me as he shot the Girl a Grin.
"She's Just Wondered off, isn't she Cute, she doesn't like me paying for her... " he gritted in between his teeth something tells me this isn't a Game, his grip on my Jacket tightened signalling me to play along as his lips brushes my earlobe.
"You've got yourselves Lucky is there anything else you would love to purchase.. " she chimed in.
"Nope Just the Peas will be OK.. " i said as she hands me my order, Liam lets go of my Jacket but intertwined his fingers with mine getting a firm hold on me as I went with it.
"Awwnnn isn't Love beautiful hold her you've got yourself a  girlfriend material over there... "  she said I'm worried and freaking out right now what's up with Liam.
"Well Lia You owe me a kiss... " he said dragging me outside I don't know which I prefer it actually being an actual kiss or him taking me to hell knows where cause I know this is just an act as he drags me away from plane sight from eye witnesses.
"I've got her.. " he said in a whisper like he was talking to someone trapping me in an alley slamming my back against the brick wall.
"Just Calm down.. " he said
"Calm down... You Just Secretly abducted me and you said I should Calm down.. " I said as he slammed his lips unto mine shutting me up, my eyes widened in shock as my brain recollect what actually is happening.
I collided my Head with His as he jumps back breaking us from our supposed Kiss as I break into a sprint.
"Emilia.. " He Hissed in pain as I try to suppress the Harsh Migraines attacking my brain cells.
He was catching up to me as I escaped the Alley and back to the street I was left with two options run and go home or Run to the Mart and Lay a Complain.
Probably Rebecca and Anthony won't Listen to me and pay deaf ears or if Liam Follows me He Could beat the Crap outta Anthony as much as I would love to see that it's a no go plan I'm not risking my residence so it's the Super Mart Then.
Ganging up on me I looked at the wrapped pea hissing and Cussing at Liam I didn't even pay for this.
Oh well with freedom comes with great sacrifices and this is one of them.
"Suck on my Pea Bastard.. " I Threw the Pea at his Face giving him another Black eye,  I felt before bad but not Today Sucker.
Without Looking or watching where I was going I bumped into a Lady she wore a blood red spot bra and a Short Denim Jean Skirt highlighting her perfectly Toned Legs a Smirk made it's way to her lips.
"I'm sorry but that guy is after me.. " I cried as she Lifts me up.
"Say Goodnight... " I Shot her a confused Look as a needle Peirce through my arm, I felt dizzy and nauseous and also fooled.
My Legs Trembled as I fell to my knees dizzy I looked up as what she injected me already flushed in my system.
"Don't Worry this would be quick... " She said as her legs kicked me down and everything went black.

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